originally posted in:The New Dojo
He looks slightly offended.
"What? Of course i actually want to dance with you! The only thing i want from you is to get to know you! And yeah, im being nice to you because you were really nice to me and my family! You helped me, and thats something not many do. I can count them out for you. One, two three, four. Only four people have ever decided to help me in my entire life, one of them having died with my parents. Artemis, I actually want to be friends... Ive never really had a friend before...".
He takes a breath after saying all that, his eyes watering a bit.
[i]Arty grabs her napkin and leans over the table.[/i] "Let me get it!" [i]Arty laughs as she tries to clean Kari's face.[/i]
He leans closer, letting her dab his muzzle. "Just don't touch my nose, i'll sneeze."
[i]Arty finishes cleaning him with a smile.[/i] "All better!"
He murrs happily. "Is there a less messy way of eating?"
"Of course, but this is more fun and adorable!"
He giggles, leaning back again. "Soo.. back to food?"
[i]Arty shrugs.[/i] "I'm not that hungry honestly. I just wanted something to do with friends."
He nods. "We could try dancing again?" he suggests, open to other options.
[i]Arty smiles.[/i] "Sounds fun, but no slow dancing."
"I dont know any other dancing, but im up to learning."
[i]Arty starts heading to the door.[/i] "Well, come on! Iso and I can teach you!"
He shrugs. "m'kay"
[i]They arrive back at the party.[/i] "Oh sh*t! I forgot to clean my own face. Do you have something to clean it with?"
Edited by Pamhakat: 12/8/2016 12:13:23 AMHe looks at himself. "Uhm.. i dont believe so." He gets an idea. "Uhm..well..nevermind." he says, dismissing the idea.
"What is it? I'm not going to use my dress!"
"No no, i didn't..its uhm...a little unorthodox and if Iso sees...well, she'll go nuts."
[i]Arty puts a hand on Kari's shoulder.[/i] "Please tell me! I can't be seen like this!"
"Uhm, it would be me just licking it off your face like a dog, i guess. Its how my family would do it so..."
[i]Arty giggles.[/i] "Just like when I was a kid? I don't see why not." [i]Arty closes her eyes and sticks her face out.[/i] "Go ahead."
He checks to make sure Iso isnt around before quickly lapping her face clean. "Ok, all done."
[i]Arty can't help, but laugh.[/i] "That felt so funny!" [b]Iso:[/b] "Aaaaaand what's going on here?" [i]Iso appears out of no where with a camera.[/i] [b]Iso:[/b] "I'm so thrilled I could get that on tape!" [b]Arty:[/b] "Why you!" [b]Iso:[/b] "Arty and Kari sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" [i]Arty starts to chase Iso around.[/i]
Kari blushes, sitting down and waiting this one out.
[i]Arty stops chasing and stands next to Kari.[/i] "Wanna just dance and forget about my dumb friend?"
He shrugs. "Sounds good."
[i]Arty takes Kari's hand.[/i] "Well, are you just gonna sit there?"