Build that Nemesis Prime Hype! And Possibly Unicron Hype?!?
If like previous movies, We should see this in June 2017.
Listen, I grew up on the old G1 cartoons. I was heartbroken when Optimus was killed, and Rodimus was complete shit. Now, I read an article earlier today. This article stated that Hot rod will be in it, the huge planet eater thingy is rumored to be unicron and there were hints after an interview with one of the assistant directors the quintessons would be in it. Now, after all that I was like "okay cool not to bad... yet." Then I read on, and when you see Optimus frozen he is technically "dead" and the quintessons revive him hence why he has turned against his autobot brethren, and just like in the old cartoon when they brought him back Optimus was on the hunt for the Matrix to give it too the quintessons, and if you look closely towards the end of the trailer there is a floating figure that looks and appears to be the matrix. So, as far as I can tell this is literally a remake of the G1 movie, and the later cartoons that followed it.