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There is a topic you strongly believe in which you believe is correct. However, not everyone is interested in what you are saying or they don't believe you.
You have been permitted a chance to write one last report on this topic which will be read by many people.
Your previous attempts to convince people by giving them the true evidence has failed, but you now have an opportunity: if you falsify the evidence, you will be able to win-over support for your topic, and nobody will ever know what you did.
What do you do?
If you lied to win, there would be no point to winning the argument. You did not convince people that your perspective was right nor did you teach them anything. Rather you convinced them,with a persuasive lie, that you were correct. There is a difference between proving yourself and what you stand for correct. Proving your perspective can help teach people and is a skill of a good debater. Proving yourself is no different than one upping others, you did not gain anything but a false victory and have hurt the pride of others. Additionally, if you had to lie to prove yourself you have misinformed your opponent of the truth which defeats the whole purpose of debating. I believe the purpose of debating is to try to get others to understand your perspective while understanding theirs so that you both can find the correct answer. [spoiler]touch me bby[/spoiler]