Can you please have the destiny gods bump up the drop rate on the crux of crota , I'm still doing the crota raid on hard years later trying to get one.
Seems a touch ridiculous , its got to the point i now have to solo the raid because no one wants to do it anymore.
Please cosmo, pretty please
At this point... could we get a bug check? Comatatus was bugged forever with varying reports of people getting it and not. It took almost a year to acknowledge and then solve (mostly) the issue. Has anyone gotten a Crux to drop since ROI hit?
Nechro is such a nice AR for crucible it's not even funny. I am giving you all the luck in the world for it to drop on your next run.
My diet hard raid I got it.... Didn't even have the husk
4th completion got it
I think it's always been that way
Heh heh heh. I spent 2 mounts doing crota on all 3 characters. Took my friend through 1 time and he got it.
What I think you meant to say is "Please buff primaries..."
I got one on completion 2, and another on completion 3. But I also never got a gally until Xur sold it before ttk
I have the necro and i have a crux in my vault rng sorry.
Damn 58 completions, my heart goes out to you. I think I got 40 and got mine somewhere around 34
I must have the best raid rng ever. I got the mythoclast on my third hard atheon kill and the crux on my second hard crota kill (had to buy ghorn from xür though). Good luck getting the crux 😉
I only ever got it once. After I obtained every other weapon from the raid and had them in my inventory.
I have an extra crux in my vault! Cosmo, please allow me to transfer it in game to this guy! I had two at one point and thought if I dismantle one I would get a exotic shard... Face palm.
Even tho I have necrochasm and a extra crux I still agree that the drop rate should be bumped. And for the love of master rahool please bump the -blam!-ing sparrow drop rate. Still playing Crota's end for that dam sparrow....
I just got mine today, and I've been trying since the dark below. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.
I've gotten like 3 all in year 1
For gods sake just have Xur sell it. It's fir a year one weapon that's never coming forward.
I'm on ps4 I'll help if I'm on and available
A perfectly sound request. Hopefully this will happen for you. Wanna wager?
I got 3 cruxs. Wish there was something I could do with them besides nechrochasm which I already have.
I have more completions than you and just got my first Hunger of Crota on the last one.... 😭
Yea the drop rate is ridiculous. I got it after my 72nd attempt soloing it in the TTK. so yea the grind is real.
Drop rate seems fine, I've had 5 since May.
Hit me up to run it with you sometime, I've been wanting to run the old raids
It says you only have 58 completions. While thats still alot, it doesnt seem like youve been trying for years.