OPTIONAL matchmaking he said. So no matchmakin if ya dont want it
Still wouldnt work. Strikes are bd enough with people who afk with a rubberband on their joystick.
it works fine if you opt out. let people that want it and can deal with the afk'ers and noobs have it.
True, but thats like saying let criminals commit crimes against eachother until they figure things out. What would be much more appropriate is an ingame lfg board. It allows the status quo of endgame players to remain. (Which is about as good as its gonma get) Whilst encouraging those who arent aware of lfg to use the feature. Just having plain matchmaking would be catastrophic. There's no communication. So how can you expect a team to coordinate in high intensity activities?
lol that is really stretching it and not really a good comparison at all. still, i agree an in game recruitment method would be ideal and far superior to match making.