Ikr. Oh well want more diversity...I call BS. I see just as little variety now as before. Still only a select few primaries that are really good. Most use them. It was done simply to extend the grind.
Diversity reason for eliminating elemental primaries is a b.s. scapegoat excuse that doesnt come close to being a legitimate reason. I used vision of confluence regardless of burn because it was a full auto scout with stupid high stability.
Exactly. People use what they like. Very few guns are good enough to promote diversity. At least in HOW I used EVERY raid primary for the different burn modifiers. It was fun. Now it's just...HJ, Saladin's Vigil/Sniper, SS/GHorn. Everything Bungie has done is to extend the grind.
All i see is clever dragons, palindromes, high impact shotguns, 1k stare archetype snipers, and truths
It makes 0 sense... Between oryx and aksis the raid weapons flare is non-exsistant without comparing them to the old ones...smfh ooo people like fatebringer and VoC a whoooole lot...lets remove them(wtf?) Diversity is a sorry fake attempt to mask wat idk...as far as primaries...everyone has an ARCHTYPE that they prefer over the rest the elemental properties just HELPED us when it came down to shielded Ai enemies...as much as i lose my mond flipping out on crucicriers...i never hear them say a word about the burns...maybe they didnt like dying from them and bytchd about ttk...but i never saw a word about ban primary burn...yet here we are