And the game crashed often, was buggy, and not optimized for the consoles because op doesn't actually know how to make a video game
Halo Reach pretty much did all the same and didnt crash all the time, the only difference is bungie doesnt have dedicated servers so peer-peer connection crashes all the time
I think I actually lost brain cells reading this reply. This can never be undone
Dunno why, maybe youd actually like to make a real response if yiu bother replying
Tell you what bud, show me where halo reach has a six man raid and I will take your comment seriously.
You think that was where i was comparing them, Reach had customization options like what OP states. Destiny doesn't.
Destiny doesn't have customization options? Yeah I think I just gained a mental disease you can just stop bro.
Not to great gameplay effect no it doesnt.