Seriously though if you don't play the game for any reason why do you have any reason to post on the forums of said game. Just shows how feeble minded you are and irrational.
If you don't play get off the forums delete the app and let those of us who still enjoy playing the game alone
I was just stating my opinion, then you went and got all triggered. Maybe if you weren't so foolish, you would explain to me why you actually like the game. The fact is, you don't like this game and you are being brainwashed into playing it. Wake up, sheep.
Actually I enjoy the game. I enjoy the Raids, crucible not as much as PvE but that's not the point. I find it fun that I can play a game that doesn't make me stress about winning every match, the fact that I can actually play it to unwind. I work 18 hours a day I don't have all the time in the world to play every game under the sun so I play what I enjoy. Just so happens that between Raids and Trials it entertains me. That and Dark Souls 3 cause who doesn't love a good grind. So now kindly take your non destiny playing self elsewhere those of us who enjoy the game don't need your stupidity and lack of life forum posting for a game you don't play ass causing toxicity or making stupid remarks
So all you do is work all day, yet you have time to come on the Destiny forums and get mad? [spoiler]K[/spoiler]
Yeah if I must justify myself to some tool like yourself I drive a tow truck for a living and I work nights 3pm to 8am weekends I work from 2pm Saturday till 8am Monday alot of it is being on call so it's a decent amount of down time, but at least I get paid to eat sleep play video games and have sex when I'm not doing a tow. So any more stupid remarks?
Dont you have cars to tow for minimum wage? [spoiler][/spoiler]
Lol minimum wage. Clearly you have no idea how much people really make to work jobs like this. You know services that everyone needs at some point in life because they can't do it themselves, plumbing, heating, HVAC, carpentry, electric, towing, garage doors.
Dont you have cars to tow?
Clearly you have nothing of value to say, you are the weakest link good bye
I really wouldn't consider towing cars to be the "strongest link" in society.
Clearly you have been lying about working all day and having no time even though you are getting triggered on forums [spoiler]Hello[/spoiler]
What's your cell number I'll send you a picture of the 2 car mva I'm going on now
I think somebody is slacking on the job. [spoiler][i]Get back to work.[/i][/spoiler]
So you are a prostitute? You said you get paid to have sex.
Yeah I can essentially do what I want while I'm on call and I get paid to do it, even sleep. How many people do you know that make money while they sleep, probably none.
He lied about that part