I'm looking for a build for Fallout 4 that plays differently to most others. Oh, and I'd prefer it if the build didn't use any DLC perks, as I don't own any of the DLC.
DONALD TRUMP BUILD 10 charisma! 1 intelligence! Idiot savant! Cap collector! Local Leader! Demolitiom Expert! Heavy Gunner! Mini Nuke! RPG! Shotgun! Clean Black Suit! Brotherhood of Steel! Make money! Blow stuff up! Make the Commonwealth great again! Children of atom? Nuke them! Acadia? Deport them! Institute? Filthy commies! For real though, most fun build I've ever played. Focus on charisma, caps, and explosions. RP like Trump. Make it look like him. Its really fun whether you love him or hate him and it fits the world well.