originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u][b]Im not attacking you or trying trying to be an a$$ when I say this, but maybe it's because of what you've done? My whole family wasn't very religious, but Sketch, Sapphire but I try to... Well [i]Sketch and I[/i] try to be the best to people we can be, as long as we feel they deserve it...[/b][/u]
[u]"Maybe? Marcia's not religious either. Well, she's got her whole Raid thing going on, and...well, she wants to build a church for him, but still."[/u] [i]Irina knew that for the past few days, Marcia had been worshipping a deity, one that she called "Raidriar". It creeped Irina out significantly, especially after things that Marcia told her.[/i]
[u][b]What? What are you talking about?[/b][/u] *He suddenly sounds concerned.*
[u]"Marcia's planning on building a church for a god that murdered quadrillions of people? Apparently, she really, REALLY respects him. Writing a Braille book and everything. How does she write, though...I guess she types it?"[/u]
[u][b]Irina... This can NOT be good.[/b][/u] *His ears tilt back as his tone somehow gets even more serious than it already was.*
[u]"What's so bad about it? It's a church. I mean - it would be really bad if she summoned the guy, but still."[/u] [i]Irina didn't seem to nervous about the situation at all. It was a church - plus Marcia had said that Raid was loving and kind, and "more than willing to care and love his faithful followers",[/i]
[u][b]And what if she does? She shouldn't be building a church for someone like that...[/b][/u]
[u]"Hey. It's her choice to do so. Maybe he's really nice? Maybe he's willing to protect people? Only one way to find out, y'know? Look, I'm not saying that I support her choices, but I'm not gonna force her to change her ways. And that's that. There have been cults 'n shit around here before anyway; remember that Sithis shit? Tell me he wasn't horrible."[/u]
[u][b]Wait, what???[/b][/u]