Am i the only one thats getting sick and tired of people abusing the current revive system in Elimination? I know its been like this for ever, but thinking back at the 'spooky trials" with no revives isnt that the way elimination should be? in my opinion bungie should punish people for dying in elimination instead of giving them the chance to get back to life. during the no revive trials people got punished for pushing on their own and teamshotting got rewarded. especially in trials i think that good teamwork and callouts should be rewarded more than it is right now. so my suggestion is to remove revives so getting picks gets rewarded and being a "shotgun ape" should be punished i think this is the only way to make this gamemode somewhat competitive because revives causes a lot of cluster-blam!-s and i think that should be avoided. please share this post if you agree or comment why u disagree so bungie can see what the community thinks.
If you want to help me carry a friend message vip v1 be above 1.7 i am a 1.76 kd dont waste my time!
Wtf do you care about trials. It's pure aids
Let me guess ? You've never been flawless? Maybe the one week there was no radar or revives
Not gonna happen trials has been this way for a long time can't imagine them taking a big step like that plus.... what would you do during festival of the lost?
I do agree man. Just take overwatch as an example. They don't have a radar nor on 3v3 if you die then that is it. And you can't do any call out .... meaning you have to have a strong team base plays from the start. And the team with lack support/ teamworks are the ones who gets punish at the end.
i agree 100 %