I've been playing Crucible matches for 4 days straight trying to get the Eyasluna handcannon. By playing the Crucible this long, I have realized how MESSED UP the reward system is. I've seen two people in last place get the drop, while I have been at the top. Should I just purposely do bad in the Crucible to get it? WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE??? PLEASE Hit the +1 if you're having this problem. :/
(UPDATE): After taking the advice of purposely doing bad in the Crucible, I was able to obtain the Eyasluna. Not only did I get the handcannon a few matches later, but I was able to help a Titan complete his Sword kill bounty. [u]DON'T TRY TO WIN OF YOU ARE TRYING TO GET IT. [/u] Just purposely do bad. It actually works.
Ive been grinding for practically the past year, since ive been trying to get it since it was out and have been playing non-stop trying to get it, about every single little chance ive got. I have never got one. My friend got 8, 8 matches in a row. My other friend, who is new to destiny, got it his first game as level 40. Ive been recently stepping up my grind, playing classic free for fall every day for the past 3 months for 6-7 hours each day, no drop. I even tried the do bad thing but nothing. Im actually starting to pay my frienda to grind it for me 😂 This is ridiculous.