"Sure, though I'm not sure what's up with the weirdo dressed up as Santa sticking stockings on people's head. I mean he seems harmless just strange."
Bramd - old
So long as the stockings don't suffocate anyone, right? *He smiles as he gets up, looking around* -
"Pfft day one of opening and someone dies from a stocking stuck on their head. Hopefully not the case."
Bramd - old
That'll be the day. *He walks over to one of the coffee bots, closely inspecting it* -
"For the grand opening they should be set to giving out free coffee. Just give me a heads up if they accidently charge you" The machine seems to have a touch pad with various options on Coffees and teas. The robot itself seems to be a combination of several nozzles attached to what seems to be a hand and a stir arm built to mix ingredients as they are chosen.
Bramd - old
nice... *He orders a mint hot chocolate and waits* -
One of the nozzles hover over a cup pouring chocolate then another mint. The device stirs it for a few seconds and then lids the cup. It initially says $1.50 then flickers to 0.00.
Bramd - old
Oh, thanks. *He begins to sit down, then notices Ash. Intrigued, he sits next to her, taking a sip* Hello, Ma'am -
She seems slightly distracted before looking towards the voice. "Oh hello, I was calming the soul of a man who had recently died. He wanted to tell his son he was sorry yet never got a chance. Sorry, my business tends to be a bit gloomy. Are you enjoying the Holliday season?"
Bramd - old
Trust me, I know gloomy. I was a god living in the Underworld. And yes, I actually am enjoying it for once. -
"That is good. I usually reside in the afterlife so this holiday season has proven to be quite interesting. I still do not understand the chopping down of a tree and bringing it inside ones residence"
Bramd - old
Well, it was originally a Paganist tradition where they would bring in young pine trees to keep their life, sort of a pity thing -
"Interesting" She then looks over at the man sticking stockings on people's heads. Her face showing her confusion. "And it's traditional to put large socks on people's heads?"
Bramd - old
It's traditional to hang stockings over a mantle. Not... Not this... -
"To dry them from the snow?"
Bramd - old
I believe that's where it started, but nowadays a man named Santa comes into your house, filling them with toys -
"Filling socks with toys.... what an interesting tradition. Perhaps I should visit the living more often."
Bramd - old
Yeah... Of course, when others celebrated Christmas, I was doing other things, since I'm not Christian -
"Oh? Then what do you celebrate?"
Bramd - old
Until now? Nothing. My father is a god to a different religion. A religion that I haven't had the best memory of -
"How unfortunate, I've been in the afterlife bringing calmness to the dead so I know very little about the traditions and religions of this world. Your father is a God you say?"
Bramd - old
Yes. His name is Garuud, God of the Underworld and Disciple of Flame to Deus -
"Hmm, I've heard that name, I believe the lord of dead mentioned him."
Bramd - old
Hmm? Oh, right. He is, uh, an ass, so to speak -
"Unfortunate, perhaps he will be surpassed sooner than not. I've even heard of a twisted man interested in taking the throne of the underworld for himself."