Cyan: No, you'll be fine. It's not a bad thing, I'm sure they'll be too drunk to care. *She smiles a little as she sits next to Roy* It's a crazy celebration every year, to kinda relax after three hundred sixty four days of relentless training.
[b]Royal takes another sip of coffee [/b] "Yeah I'd love to go"
Cyan: Really? Great! *She hugs him a little before going back to her drink* Yeah, it'll be on the 21st, the Winter Equinox
"That's a great day to have it."
oh, definitely
"The 21st.... Sounds special too."
Mion: Yeah, Cyan's been prepping all month
"You have been? How ready are you?"
Cyan: Well, I'm almost done, just gotta finish up some stuff, you think I can book this place for the party? There's gonna be a lot of drinking, yelling, cursing...
"Yeah of course! 100 credits an hour. Not including drinks, swords or any damages."
Cyan: Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll scrounge it all up by the time it comes around.
"Good. Then the place is all yours."
Great. Thanks.
"Hey, it's no problem. Not at all."
Okay, alright then. So, we'll have this place booked on the Winter Solstice, and you probably won't have to worry about going bankrupt for a while. *After she says that the door opens, Mortar standing there with a strange weapon in hand* Mortar: Hey, Roy. Oh, didn't plan to see you here Cyan Cyan: Yeah, I'm booking this place for the Christmas party Mortar: Awesome! Anyway, I wanted to show Roy this new weapon I made, see if we can strike a deal.
"A deal? I'm curious."
Mortar: Oh, yeah. *He slides next to Roy, holding the weapon up* This: This is a laser bazooka
"A What?" [b]Roy chuckles at the name [/b]
A laser bazooka
[spoiler]Im gonna be putting this in spoilers to help keep on track. Bazooka One ][/spoiler] "That sounds sick dude. How'd you make it?"
Built with a fog lamp, twenty 7-watt laser pointers, and a huge ass Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass, all covered with carbon fiber! This could burn a massive hole in many things in a matter of seconds. And your retinas? Good luck getting them back after staring into the light
[spoiler]Bazooka[/spoiler] "So why come to me?"
Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to test her out*
"I'd be happy to! Let's head to the the shooting range, shall we?"
Let's go. Cyan, don't go too crazy! *Mortar smiles as he leaves, Mion following him*