I just can't play passive enough. I hate it.
Kudos to you all who have obtained this medal and weren't just camping around the map. I've gotten so close so many times. I'll get supered right at the end, rush when I shouldn't have, etc.
Maybe one day
You don't need to play passive for unbroken you just have to play smart.
I almost got it in y1 skirm needed one more kill and my friend stole it. I still remember the map it was cauldron and I was on top heavy when he took the last kill. Haven't gotten it since I play to aggressive. Only came close 1 more after that.
I did mayhem rumble with [b]Bladecancer[/b] and dub skips. Went 21-0
Got quite a few in trials playing terrible teams, no camping required.
The less you think about it the better chance you have of getting it. Keep playing.
Your medal score is 4.8million
Edited by SweetOrngVegRoot: 12/13/2016 7:30:03 PMThat's okay, I still haven't gotten a 7th column lol
Edited by Ken Rocker: 12/13/2016 11:22:27 PMI've gotten it twice - it's just luck really - once you realize you haven't died, start playing more defensively: http://youtu.be/vg18JFaKtGQ http://youtu.be/RaX-Wn-ms1g
My 2 came from shotgun/shoulder charge rushing. With one match having a pvp buddy join me but was put on the other team... He exclusively tried to get me that game... Was amazing
1 sec
I've managed one. It was a struggle...and my buddy almost screwed it up at the end for me haha.
Have you tried not dying?
Ur bad [spoiler]kappa[/spoiler]
I have 7.... You'll get one. Eventually :)
Finally got one a couple weeks ago and two this last IB. Switched back to scouts so I try to engage from long range. [spoiler]after I hit 14 kills I did play pretty conservatively[/spoiler]
Been so close many times in trials and it either gets stolen by a teammate or I get supered in the last round
I have 100 lol Just be aggressive early in the game and when you have heavy... don't rush. With that you should be fine :D
2 in trials alone
I think i have like 1. Idunno
Do you have the old app? Can you check my medal score? Or is there another way to now
Edited by Colloquial_Bloke: 12/13/2016 10:24:16 AMI got one on Bannerfall during a rift game a while back. I just stood outside by the spark with my Reflection Sum and shot anything that moved. Got 16 kills before we got a win via mercy rule.
Got an unbroken in Rift once with 2 dunks as well. You don't necessarily have to play passive to go Unbroken
I've only ever got 3. And they where in rout to some of my phantoms. Only medal I'm missing is that darn 7th column always get killed on my way to that seventh kill cause entire blaming team respawns all at ones. Lol
Got lucky this iron banner and got one. We mercied the team, so I didn't have enough time to find a way to die. Good luck and holy crap your medal score!
Edited by ArcadianSol: 12/13/2016 1:48:18 AMCan someone tell me where I can find medals earned on android?
That's the key. You have to camp after you get those 15 kills. It's cheap, so I never change my style after I get those 15 kills and I don't care if I lose a chance to get that medal. It's not really important.