originally posted in:The New Dojo
[spoiler]I hate the English language. Latin is so much easier to use.[/spoiler]
[b]The champions charge at Fortis, Destanius, Echo, and Delta.[/b]
[spoiler]Lol xD[/spoiler] "Fortis! How's that shield?" [b]Delta rolls to the side, throwing a sticky grenade onto the champion as Echo also avoids the change [/b]
"Could be better, but it should hold up." [b]Fortis flies up and stabs the champion that doesn't have a sticky grenade on him. Destanius sits quietly in a corner, clearly very distressed. It was almost as if they were attacking his mind.[/b]
[b]The grenade implodes, Exploding more towards the armor then all around. Delta and Echo unleash fire on the one Fortis stabs [/b]
[b]The grenaded one falls backward, flaying his synths as he does. The one Fortis stabbed swings his giant Morning star at Echo.[/b]
[b]Echo dodges just barely, and hops onto the blade, running up the Champions arm and to his shoulder, where he unloads a mag into the Champions head [/b]
[spoiler]A morning star is not a sword. It looks like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=morningstar+weapon&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=1024&bih=672&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiH8aODs_LQAhUEWCYKHSjmC2QQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=E3694J-a5ALUBM%3A. I don't think you could run up that...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh whoops. Can I still jump on the hand though? That's pretty close range [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ok.[/spoiler] [b]The giant jumps into a wall, hoping to crush you against it.[/b]
[b]Echo hops off just before the champion crashes, but lands wrong and twists his ankle, falling to the ground Delta charges over, firing to get Champs attention [/b]
[b]The champions brings down his weapon. The one with the scythe swings at you from the other direction.[/b]
[b]Echo rolls away while Delta rolls to the side [/b] [i]"Fortis, we need backup!" [/i] [b]DELTA lobs another Grenade, Exploding in the scythe wielding champion's face [/b]
"One more second..." [b]Fortis turns around and a giant arc of energy flies from his chest. It hits the scythe-wielding giant directly in the waist, and he flies backwards into a wall, making a huge dent in it when he hit it. The other one runs towards his downed comrade.[/b]
[b]Echo gets to his feet, limping towards Destanius as Delta pulls back, standing besides Fortis [/b]
"Find Destanius and tell him I need the z-core. And please hurry, I really don't feel like dying today." [b]Fortis flies after the two, firing a volley of bullets as he does.[/b]
[b]Delta sprints over to Echo and Destanius [/b] "Des! The Z core! The Z core!"
[b]Destanius breaks out of whatever paralysis he was in and tosses a strange glowing orb at you.[/b]
[b]Delta catches it, moving back to Fortis [/b]
[b]Fortis crushes it in his fist and his chest lights up again. He fires another identical beam and the other giant flies against the wall. By now, both the giants are sprawled across the floor and the wall they are next to looks like it is about to collapse.[/b]
"Core!" [b]Delta tosses the core upwards, towards Fortis [/b]
[spoiler]You already handed Fortis the core...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh... My bad! [/spoiler] [b]Delta walks up beside Fortis, looking at the Champs [/b]
[spoiler]Its all good.[/spoiler] "Would you like to do the honors of slaying those two bastards?" [b]Fortis says.[/b]
"You take it sir. This is all you."
"Ok." [b]Fortis walks up to the first giant. He cuts off its head, and a black gas pours out. He then approaches the next giant. He pokes out one eye and cuts off his right arm. (Bonus points if you get the reference.[/b] "Now that we are done with that, we should probably get back to the deck."
(Is that some biblical stuff? I just looked it up seems weird...) "Yeah. Des, Echo you alright?"