-well that is unfortunate- [i]talath had no idea what to with her but he knew that sketch. So he looks at syrilth[/i] "Syrilth can you get sketch please"says talath "Oh okay "says syrilth [i]with that syrilth scampers off towards sketch's house as fast her leg could carry her when she gets there she knocks on the door of his box.[/i]
*Dalien "Hungry... Have ant?" *He opens the door.* "Yes Syrilth? What is it?"
"Me and aiyanna found a talking wolf its looks like its lost"says syrilth [i]syrilth really has no idea what its but she hopes that he does.[/i] "Im pretty there should be some ants around here somewhere we just gotta find them" -i know where rotten log is thats got wood ants in it i will go get it- [i]aiyanna walks away towards where last she ast seen the rotten log. After a few minutes she comes back with decent sized chunk of it in her mouth and she has got some of the ants crawling all over her face. When she gets close they can be seen crawling all over her face as she sets the peice log down the paws at her snout in annoyance cause they are stinging and biting her face.[/i] -there you go its good thing you don't eat bees-
*Dalien "Thank!" *She scampers over to the log, licking up the ants hungrily with her sticky tongue.*
-it no trouble at all- [i]syrilth has very serious look on her face as she puts her hands on hips. [/i] "Come see...please..."says syrilth
*She looks up.* *Dalien "What?"
[i]aiyanna doesn't say anything esle but rubs her face in the dirt cause some the ants had crawled in her ear and she was itching at it. Syrilth was still standing their waiting for sketch.[/i] [spoiler]remember she talking to him not dailen[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oooh, right lol[/spoiler] *Dalien "I clean ant off?" *She asks, tilting her head at Aiyanna.* "Oh, okay... Take me there then."
-yes - [i]aiyanna lays down so she can reach her ear. Talath doesn't really say anything but just watches.[/i] "Okay follow me"says syrilth [i]she then walks back where they were at.[/i]
*Sketch follows Syrilth patiently. Dalien starts licking Aiyanna, cleaning off the ants.*
[i]aiyanna is glad to be free of the ants as she licks off of her. It's not long before syrilth leads sketch to where aiyanna and talath are. Talath turns when hears them approaching.[/i] "Oh hi sketch"says talath
"Hey Talath. What's the problem?"
"Um have you seen one those before?"asks talath [i]talath then pointed to the wolf that was eating ants off aiyanna's face.[/i] -hi sketch-
*His ears twitch with curiosity.* "No, I haven't..." *He kneels down, trying to get close but she backs up.* *Dalien "Who y-you?" *Sketch tilts his head with surprise.* "You didn't tell me she could talk..."
"Don't worry he's nice he won't hurt you"says syrilth -he a friend- "Yeah she can"says talath
"Well... I'm Sketch... Who might you be?" *Dalien "I-I Dalien." "And where did you come from?" *Dalien "Not know..."
-yeah we don't much about her im afraid- "I can say i that seen just about everything"says talath