Sorry but i have to ask again, we can gain icebreaker from EVERY Bounty from Zavala ? or just the Nightfall one cause 3 Weeks 3 Chances so we have 3x3 -> a chance to get it with the 9th Strike ? what i do not hope cause not everyone has 3 same chars oO. Why cant bungie just say where we get this rifle and done... without any troll answers like on the Gamescom / E3 "no new icebreaker"
Only the NF bounty
is it possible to get the Icebreaker also after the "The Dawning" or also only in 2 Weeks (with this week 3)
Yeah, strike scoring isn't going away and neither will the bounties, but it'll probably take a few weeks to get the gun/quest to drop.
Edited by Legiaron: 12/14/2016 4:15:46 PMso icebreaker is also optainable throug Zavalas Bountys after the dawning so i do not have to stop sleeping and play 24/7 to get 2 Chars to 380+ Light ? Dont ask me why im frustrated but i loved this sniper in Year 1 and now i have a "easyier" way to get it again and scared to not get it in 2/3 weeks is pain for me ;D
Yes, it will be obtainable after the event
well thanks then i do play Zavalas Bountys after the Event :D
How the f** high is the Chance to get this Weapon ? oO i just have my Hunter maxed out and never really started new ones :/