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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Royal Blade: 12/14/2016 4:53:40 PM
[b][i][u]Pre Tourney[/u][/i][/b] First up, Fortis! The robot man thing that nobody pays attention to! Sorry dude! [spoiler]"I have a rifle that fires both energy and physical rounds. I also have two pistols that I rarely use unless the going gets tough. My shield can withstand a ship as large as my own running in to it at maximum speed, and my sword can cut through most known materials. My wings, besides allowing flight, are very sharp. I also have an array of experimental weapons that I don't really use on a regular basis, because they have a high chance of just exploding in my face. My armor is made from Illuminite, if that means anything to you."[/spoiler] Next up is Destanius! The dude that gets his ass handed to him by Fortis on a daily fúcking basis! Wow! [spoiler]"I have a rifle that fires energy rounds, two pistols that fire large bullets, and a sword that can change shape into other swords. My armor is made of living metal."[/spoiler] The last of this nerd's Characters is Audax! Woah he really wants to win with how many characters he's dropped! [spoiler] "My rifle fires a few thousand rounds per second, I have two turrets on my shoulder that excel at taking down both ground troops and aircraft, and my chain gun fires through fifty barrels at once. Each barrel fires around five thousand rounds per second. In addition, my chain gun also fires a large rail gun blast from its center."[/spoiler] After that dude, we got Ceaser the wannabe Roman emperor! They have the same name and all that shiz! [spoiler] "Okay. Armor, valhite mixed with Adamantium. VERY powerful. Weapons: This" *He pulls out a golden blade, with a platinum dragon head at the base* "I call her Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn. You'd understand. Abilities: I can make afterimages, but that's it"[/spoiler] Next up, Mulligan! One of the dude's that's actually edgier then I am! This'll be interesting... [spoiler] "Mulligan, all out, and I can summon various crude amalgams with three levels, lesser, greater and advanced creations-I also specialize in requip magic, which is summoning weapons of almost every variety, though most are basic and non-specialized, though I have a couple signatures of my own"[/spoiler] Then we got Rook, the deserter of some army on some Planet. I don't Frickin know. [spoiler] "The name's Rook. Now, the only power I have is that I'm able to go partially invisible and create a hologram. Now, that is because of my armor set, it uses a single battery, so it is destructible. Now, for weaponry I use a pump-action shotgun firing twelve gauge. I use a pistol as a secondary and a make-shift sword for backup. Now, my helmet has a combat HUD, but I need it to see because my normal eyesight is the same as Helen Keller blindfolded and put in a closet at midnight. Also I have an AI to help plan shit." [i]Hi, my name is Ion, Rook's AI program. Nice to meet you.[/i] "And to answer your last question, just all out combat."[/spoiler] Then, the youngest competitor Alpha! He already wants to prove himself as capable but.... No comments! [spoiler] "Keyblade, Plasma rifle, Hidden plasma blades, and hidden guns....pyrokinesis and....uhhh...hell, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve other than that too"[/spoiler] A woman of death, of edgy and in some cases my dream girl. Ash! To bad I don't like her that way! [spoiler] "Well I have my scythe, I can freeze objects on contact or force one to suffer the burning of a sinner, and my armor is a layer of porcelain that is extremely resistant to slashing weaponry. Oh yes, I am capable of entering mirrors" [/spoiler] Say hello to Fenrir! The male version of Nora and in definite need of a fireman! [spoiler] "[b]Hrrmph.[/b]" [i]he grunts, before holding out his hand. A small orb of blue flame coalesces a little off of his palm, then elongates, forming first the hilt, then the cross guard, and finally the blade of a massive, ancient great sword. Runes run the length of the blade, and it still has flames running along its edges.[/i] "[b]With this sword, Ragnarok, I am able to wield the Yodünfire. It is the Flame of God, and it allows me to use extreme Pyrokenisis. Also, it heals me and repairs any damage to my armor. It is collected from the foes I slay, and their own attacks, drawing the heat of impact, friction, and such to create more flame. It is able to transition between Holy Fire, regular fire, and Solar Flames. As for the armor.[/b]" [i]The flames surround him for a moment, engulfing his entire body. When they dissipate, the Eternal Crusader is left standing in a suit of armor, stylized with wolves everywhere.[/i] If you play Destiny, think Gjallarhorn styled armor. "[b]The flames bolster both the armor and myself with high levels of durability. However, I do manage the flames, so if you wish me to reduce them or their affects on myself and my gear, tell me and I shall do so.[/b]" [i]The flames and armor burn away, leaving him once more in his combat boots, jeans, bright blue shirt, and open leather jacket.[/i] "[b]A final thing to add. During battle, I can become quite heated. Should someone goad me enough, I'll lose all temper and self-control. If, at any point, you see my flames beginning to turn purple, pause the fight and warn me. If they turn red, stop the fight and subdue me, because I will not hold back anything, and may destroy everything.[/b]"[/spoiler] Finally, last not but not least... Yours truly! Royal the destructor! The obvious winner because it will be rigged as shit!!! [spoiler] "I am the edge of edgy. Extremely strong shadow, and light manipulation accompanied by powerful pyrokinesis. Vines that shoot out of my hand, and of course there is phase two...." "I can summon any weapon I own into my hands and my armor is strong enough to stop most bullets and absorb muther fuking splosions!"[/spoiler] Study your opponents, the official lists will be made. If you wish to fight someone in particular just say so!! [spoiler]Open if you want to choose someone[/spoiler]

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