originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
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Don't put a space in the URL field. That's it.
I've been working on the Alexa (the Amazon thing you can talk to, a.k.a. Echo)platform for a while a decided it was time to bring a basic gear manager to the platform. I've been trying to implement the authentication so that I can get on with the hard part but am receiving the error illustrated in the attached image. The issue is that I am required to use one of two URLs provided to me by Amazon, and the Bungie side will except neither (even though they fir the definition I am aware of for an absolute URL). The possible URLs are https://layla.amazon.com/spa/skill/account-linking-status.html?vendorId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Where the vendor ID is a unique 15 digit code generated in the Amazon App Developer website.
I'm not sure what to do, if this is a bug or if something truly is unacceptable about my url. I appreciate any help, solutions or suggestions you can provide.
Presumably, it was a leading or tailing space? We can do better than troll you because of those. I will put it on my bug list.