"Ok." [b]Fortis walks up to the first giant. He cuts off its head, and a black gas pours out. He then approaches the next giant. He pokes out one eye and cuts off his right arm. (Bonus points if you get the reference.[/b] "Now that we are done with that, we should probably get back to the deck."
(Is that some biblical stuff? I just looked it up seems weird...) "Yeah. Des, Echo you alright?"
[spoiler]No, it is from an episode of the X-files...[/spoiler] "I'm good, but I don't think we will need to go to the deck. I just checked my radar, and all enemy ships high tailed out of here once we slew those two giants."
[spoiler]I looked it up and it talked about how Jesus preached that you should cut off your arm xD [/spoiler] "Huh that's simple."
[spoiler]Literally what?[/spoiler] "Guess we can head back now." [b]Fortis's fleet starts mobilizing across the planet. All of the ships start heading towards the dojo.[/b] [spoiler]end[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I don't even know dude 😂😂[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Was it good or bad?[/spoiler]