originally posted in:The New Dojo
*The Wolf sits in a bar in Dojoville. The bartender walks up and speaks with a New York accent*
"Never seen you 'round. What's your story? If ya don't mind me askin"
*Wolf smiles a little*
"I doubt you'd believe me if I told you"
"I've heard dat before. You wouldn't believe some of da characters I get in here. Mages, alien soldiers, demon eaters. You name it. Your's can't be too crazy"
"Well mine is at least new to you. That I'm sure of."
*he thinks for a moment before speaking again*
"I come from Earth"
"So what? Ma family's from Earth"
"Well you see, I'm from an Earth in a different timeline or dimension."
*Bartender gives a confused expression as Wolf continues*
"Let me explain. I was the leader of an elite covert operations unit. My designation was [i]The Wolf[/i]. Our job was to basically be super heroes. We killed tyrants and stopped a few worldwide catastrophes. Later on I was made captain of an expedition through the first man-made wormhole. My crew and I entered the wormhole and immediately lost contact with home. We drifted through space, hopeless, until we were attacked by pirates. They boarded my ship and killed everyone on it. Everyone except me. I killed them off and scared the rest into fleeing. Eventually my ship ran out of fuel and floated aimlessly until I crash landed in the Shi Canyon. Then I made my way here."
*Wolf checks the time then stands up*
"Nice meeting you. I'll be on my way"
*Wolf walks towards the exit*
[spoiler]sorry that was so long it's my character's intro[/spoiler]
[b]As wolf exited the bar a Man walked by his side, matching him stride for stride [/b] "Quite the story you just had. '
*continuing to walk* "You always eavesdrop at the bar?"
"You were pretty loud."
"Sure. Say, I haven't caught your name"
"I'm Allister. Captain Allister. So I understand what is like to lose a crew."
"I've seen soldiers fall before. Mind you, it never gets easier. But it gets more bearable. Even then, however, seeing my crew, the people I was responsible for, being executed right in front of me, that was maybe the worst thing I've ever experienced"
"At least you killed the BASTARDS responsible."
"There's still many out there. I couldn't get them all without destroying my ship, but we see how that turned out"
"Nice... Very very nice."
"So why are you in Dojoville?"
"Visiting my favorite bar. Yourself?"
"I don't know. I don't really know what I'm gonna do. No crew. No team. No way back home. No purpose"
"There might be a way back. Come to the Dojo. There have people playing with technology for a while now."
"I guess it's worth a shot. Lead the way"
[b]Allister leads the wolf to the Dojo, stopping at the gates [/b]
"So, what now?"
"Give it a moment." [b]The doors slowly creak open [/b]
"What is this place, exactly?"
"A Place for warriors of all kinds. A home, sanctuary."
"Who does it belong to?"
"The members."
"How many members are there?"
"Hundreds, maybe even thousands."
"Well lets go have a look inside" *this entire time he's been scanning the outside with his eyes, looking for weaknesses in the wall and escape routes (should one be needed)*
[b]There were none, every single brick, the entirety of the wall seemed damn well protected. Guards patrolling the top, guard towers scatter across the wall and not a single scratch on the walls. The door was different however. Countless scratches, burns, holes and other assorted things filled the gates, showing it's history. But not a single weak point, it seemed as strong as a thousand tanks, perhaps containing more power in that space then what could be found through the universe. It brimmed with power and gave a sense of courage. A sense of will. Allister walked in, and As he did one could spot the inside of the dojo, crowded with fighters of wide array of skills. Swordsmen, gunfighters, beasts tamers. Allister smiled, eyeing a particular piece of scenery. A large cherry blossom tree which seemed to be carved into. /b] "Here we are."