originally posted in:The New Dojo
*The Wolf sits in a bar in Dojoville. The bartender walks up and speaks with a New York accent*
"Never seen you 'round. What's your story? If ya don't mind me askin"
*Wolf smiles a little*
"I doubt you'd believe me if I told you"
"I've heard dat before. You wouldn't believe some of da characters I get in here. Mages, alien soldiers, demon eaters. You name it. Your's can't be too crazy"
"Well mine is at least new to you. That I'm sure of."
*he thinks for a moment before speaking again*
"I come from Earth"
"So what? Ma family's from Earth"
"Well you see, I'm from an Earth in a different timeline or dimension."
*Bartender gives a confused expression as Wolf continues*
"Let me explain. I was the leader of an elite covert operations unit. My designation was [i]The Wolf[/i]. Our job was to basically be super heroes. We killed tyrants and stopped a few worldwide catastrophes. Later on I was made captain of an expedition through the first man-made wormhole. My crew and I entered the wormhole and immediately lost contact with home. We drifted through space, hopeless, until we were attacked by pirates. They boarded my ship and killed everyone on it. Everyone except me. I killed them off and scared the rest into fleeing. Eventually my ship ran out of fuel and floated aimlessly until I crash landed in the Shi Canyon. Then I made my way here."
*Wolf checks the time then stands up*
"Nice meeting you. I'll be on my way"
*Wolf walks towards the exit*
[spoiler]sorry that was so long it's my character's intro[/spoiler]
"Our team of scientists I bet."
"I can't even tell what some of these things do" *Wolf starts tapping rapidly on his arm pad screen*
"What are you doing with the arm thing?"
"This [i]thing[/i] is my interface to the nanites in my body that do a number of things from make my armor and weapons to healing me and prolonging my lifespan. It uses quantum computing to store immense amounts of data and run everything it's programmed to do. Right now I'm using it to analyze this tech and find out what it all does, how it works, and come up with schematics to build my own if I so desire"
[i]"Sorry that won't be possible." [/i] [b]A new man approached the two [/b] [i]"I implemented each of the designs with my own nanites, making each one of these things impossible to replicate." [/i]
"And who might you be?"
[i]"Head of research."[/i] "Scavenger?" [i]"Hello Captain."[/i]
"Uhh you know each other?"
"Yeah he's part of my crew."
[I]"Scavenger. Just Scavenger." [/i] "Crew Name is Madfall. Ship is Inagra."
"So what is Scavenger doing here?"
[i]"Well I'm an engineer, this lab is a engineers dream!"[/i]
"Then you understand why I'm here. I'd like to learn more about the technological advancements of this world"
[i]"You are here for a way back home as well correct?"[/i]
"If it's possible, I might consider going back"
[i]"I think I may have something for you..."[/i]
*Wolf tilts his head slightly in curiosity*
[b]Scavenger starts towards a rather large machine, and clicks a few buttons. A wormhole spurts to life before Dying [/b] "It's in experimental mode."
"I got here by opening a wormhole in space. We thought it'd be a bad idea to do it on the planet"
"[i]I've designed a way. There's a shield surrounding the machine, so if it gets to large the shield implodes, destroying the machine and the wormhole [/i]
"How long until it's fully functional?"
[i]"Few days maybe a week. I'm good yeah, not that good."[/i]
"Do you need any help?"
[i]"I may need some. Especially from someone with experience." [/i]