The community despises weapon bloom. We don't want RNG in our bullets. All it does is create frustration and chaos. We want our bullets to go wherever we point our gun.
Bungie, the community had an outcry when bloom was introduced in Halo: Reach. It then had to be removed.
Destiny is the second time in a row that bloom has been introduced into your gun mechanics and the community is voicing that they are not liking it at all.
Please take this thread into consideration while you are making Destiny 2. The player base and your supporters have never enjoyed this mechanic and we would like it to not be introduced in your next game.
I advise any supporters of this to sign on this thread to get our voice out while our beloved Destiny 2 is still being made.
No, the lesson is don't throw a bitch fit at Bungie and don't set such a high expectations for D2. There's only so much we're going to get as long as Activision is involved