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Edited by The Muzzy98: 12/16/2016 10:20:02 PM

Fireteam Ashen(20): The Exile Kell

[spoiler]Looking for a different chapter? Here's the [url=]Master Post.[/url][/spoiler]Another Flux grenade latched onto the side plating of Beliks Prime, destroying another mine hatch. Avesk jumped back, firing his Fusion Rifle into the Servitor's face as it slowly turned towards him. Its shell expanded and Avesk watched as the health bar on the top of his HUD began to fall steadily. Suddenly, an impact sent him flying away from the Servitor. He bounced along the ground twice before painfully coming to a stop. He looked up to see Validus standing overhead. "Sorry," he said, "It was the only way I could think of getting you out of there." "All will be forgiven, provided you buy me a couple of drinks when we get back home." Avesk answered as he got to his feet. "How many is a couple, exactly?" Validus asked nervously. Avesk only chucked in response, eliciting a groan from the Titan. Avesk changed the subject. "What happened to you?" He asked. Validus' helm was gone and his face was spotted with multiple cuts, each leaking a sizable amout of blood. His normally soft and wavy dark brown hair was plastered to his head with sweat. "Oh, you know," Validus shrugged, "the usual." "Will you be able to fight without your helm?" Avesk asked. "Yeah, I can still aim and shoot straight without my HUD." Validus replied, "I just don't have a shield or ability meter." "Good. I didn't want to have to send my favorite meat shield home." "Um.. thanks?" "Hey guys?" Cosmo's voice echoed through the comms. "I could use a little help." "On our way." Avesk replied. / Cosmo ducked behind cover and his shields recharged. Why were there so many Fallen? He didn't mind gunning down the aliens, but there were just so damn many! Several Captains chortled in delight as Cosmo his behind his pile of crates. "Hey!" The Captains looked around at the sound of the shout. Their eyes finally narrowed at the source: A Titan, high in the air. He reared back, covered in blue light as he rocketed towards the Captains with unsurpassed speed, smashing them to dust in an instant. Validus got to his feet from his Fist of Havoc and nodded to Cosmo before sprinting off to fight some other Fallen. Cosmo pulled a large magazine from his belt fitting it into his machine gun and pulling the belt into the weapon before closing it and expelling the previous round. He jumped out from behind cover and began to mow down Dregs and Shanks. / Avesk ducked beneath another Arc blast and stuck another flux grenade onto the onto the Prime's shell before blinking away again. The healthbar that Barry had put on his screen showed that he has whittled the Prime down about halfway now. After sending another salvo of Shock blasts Avesk's way, Beliks Prime teleported into a group of Fallen, absorbing their health, and regenerating a quarter of the damage done. "Oh, come on!" Avesk all but shouted. He backstabbed a Captain and fired a rocket at a tightly packed group of enemies. "The Prime can regenerate its health!" Avesk said into his comms. "Wait, what?" Cosmo asked. "It can absorb the energy of other Fallen to repair itself. Kill the additional support and don't let it get near any groups." "Got it." Validus affirmed. "You want me to take over on Servitor damage while you focus on the Fallen?" "Yeah," Avesk said, "just keep it away from us." "That, I can do." The Titan answered. He fired his Scout Rifle into the Prime's eye, the massive Servitor responding with a dozen bouncing mines. To counter this, Validus flew into the air, and dropped down on Beliks, his shotgun cracking with every pull of the trigger. When the Prime began to drain his energy, he was quick to scramble behind cover and reload. He popped out and began firing at Beliks again. There was a lull in combat for a moment, when suddenly, "Dra kir bo da!" The Exile Kell suddenly appeared in the room holding a sinister looking shoulder-mounted cannon. The Kell fired flaming projectiles out of his gun, scorching the walls and floor where the projectiles landed. "Great," Cosmo muttered, "now what?" "Just keep focusing on the Prime," Avesk said, "If we take it out, the target will be much more manageable." / Validus slid behind another crate as a blast of Arc energy impacted the floor behind him. He popped back out and fired a rocket at the Prime. Three more grenade hatches were destroyed in the blast. "Good work, keep it up!" Avesk yelled as he dispatched another Captain. Validus reloaded his rocket launcher and sent another missle at the Prime, but reeled in shock as a projectile from the Kell's Cannon vaporized the rocket mid-flight. Skoriks launched another solar charged blast at the Titan, causing him to scurry away. Meanwhile, Cosmo ducked under a swipe of a Captain's blades. He grabbed the Captain's arm and twisted, breaking the arm and threw the Captain to the floor. He dispatched the Captain with a single shot to the head. He glanced up from the clearing of bodies surrounding him and saw Beliks Prime floating towards another group of enemies. '[i]Oh, no you don't.' [/i]Cosmo thought as he rushed towards the giant Servitor. He quickly latched a flux grenade to the back of Beliks, and slid under the Servitor as it turned and fired into the mass of Fallen with his belt-fed machine gun. When Beliks Prime turned back around to absorb the Fallen's life essence, it only found a pile of corpses. Beliks ground its plates together and growled, angry about losing its means of regeneration. Beliks expanded its shell to absorb Cosmo's health, but the Hunter gave a mocking salute and jumped out of the way, exposing a rocket heading straight for the Servitor. [quote]Chapter continued in the [url=]comments[/url][/quote]

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  • Edited by The Muzzy98: 5/14/2017 5:44:07 PM
    The missile slammed into the Prime with enough force to finally blow off a chunk of its weakened shell. It shuddered in rage and spun to dispense mines. However, enough of the mine ports had been destroyed that when the Servitor tried to dispatch them, the mines found their way blocked by rubble and debris. The bouncing explosives hit the makeshift blockades and with no escape, bounced back the way they came. Several small explosions rocketed Beliks as the mines blew up inside of it. It shuddered and spun as plates and bits of machinery blew off of the purple sphere and blue flashes could be seen behind bits of machinery and circuitry. All eyes on the battlefield turned and watched as the Prime rose higher into the air, staggering every time an additional mine went off. Finally, the combined damage was too much. The Prime began to shriek and sputter as it was slowly destroyed. Avesk grinned savagely as the Prime's health bar on his HUD finally emptied. Beliks Prime gave one final echoing scream, rising in pitch as the sphere burst in a brilliant white explosion. The Fallen stopped and stared as the smoldering wreckage of their god collapsed to the ground as a ruined husk. Several of the Fallen began to back towards the exit, but were stopped by a loud shout. Skoriks raised his arms in the air and screamed a command. Some of the Fallen heeded it, some did not. The Fallen that remained resumed firing upon the Guardians, but Avesk wasn't deterred. They [i]did[/i] just kill their god, after all. The Fallen were scared. [i]'And for good reason.'[/i] Avesk grinned. Skoriks glanced around at his decaying amount of supporters and subconsciously toon a step back. For the first time, the Kell had what looked to be fear in his eyes. And with fear, often comes desperation. He raised his Scorch Cannon and fired wildly at the fireteam in a frenzy commonly displayed by the Hive. The soldiers of the Light dodged and ducked the blasts and closed in on the panicked Kell. Captains and Dregs alike flocked to Skoriks' aid, but were swiftly cut down in the Guardians' advance. Finally, Avesk summoned his Golden Gun, the golden light bouncing off of the Gray and green walls. Three shots to Skoriks' chest melted his armor into slag. Validus jumped under the Kell's wild swings and pried the ruined armor off, tossing the chunk of melted armor to the side. Lastly, Cosmo appeared in front of the wounded Fallen, and buried his knife in the Eliksni's chest. / Skoriks fell to his needs. He stared mutely at the figure before him as it pulled its blade from his chest. White Ether-blood flowed freely from his wound, but Skoriks made no attempt to staunch the flow. He was too utterly dumbfounded by what had occurred. [i]'This can't be happening.'[/i] Skoriks thought as he grew weaker by the second. [i]'I am Skoriks, mender of the broken Exiles. I crafted a new god to heal them.'[/i] He was on his hands and knees now. [i]'I was going to save my people.' [/i] The Kell collapsed to the ground and the last bit of life faded from his eyes. / "The disruption of a plot to bring down the City and the assassination of a new Fallen Kell." Zavala looked up from his report at the three Guardians standing before him. "That's... quite a feat." He said finally. "You've dealt quite a blow the Fallen House of Exiles," Ikora Rey continued, "I doubt the House will ever be able to recover from such a blow. Nevertheless, I will have my Hidden agents monitor the House in case an ambitious Captain or Baron tries to pick up the pieces. You've done a great deed for the City. Now go and get some rest; we'll have a new mission for you to undertake in a day or two. Dismissed." Avesk grunted, Cosmo nodded, and Validus saluted crisply. All three turned and strode from the room. "Soo..." Cayde drawled as his fellow Vanguard members glanced his way. "You're sure that you want to send them out again so soon?" He asked. "Infiltrating the Ishtar Collective Archives will be no piece of cake." Ikora shrugged. "They've shown that they work well under pressure and against great odds, so I say that they're perfect for the job. If we want to have even a semblance of hope of pushing back the Vex, we are going to need the data from The Archives. And the sooner we get it the better." [quote]Click [url=]here[/url] for the next chapter[/quote]

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