Hello to everyone under the clouded sun this month and welcome to Tower Today, A rendition of "MurdiusMaximus's" Famous Unofficial Weekly Update. In his absence I took it upon myself to assist his community and take his place for the time being.
[b]This weeks poll! Pick one! Simple, Tsugoth was 10/11 on the votes, Sad to see him lose...but the people have spoken! Yes, the clickbaits count for the first option, So if you choose the clickbait, your vote is being counted for Osiris. Choose wisely, even Brent thought that was funny.[/b]
This week, after the...soul crushing interview I had with cayde-6 previously 2 weeks ago, I decided to track down someone a little...easier and not as soul crushing, Simple...I guess. Me and Brent miks were able to find Ec'thar, Its weird, He was on Asteroid 987 on saturns rings...why he was there? No clue. Without further Adieu, onto the interview! ... Hey a rhyme!
[b]Ec'thar! You were quite the hard target to track down...How are you?[/b]
Hello everyone, oh I love how you all are in that tiny camera, I am so happy to be here, your place smells nice, and even this cushion is soft.
[b]Right on! I'm glad you're comfortable...sorta... You're kinda leaking something on the chair...[/b]
Oh that? Thats just my skin condition, Mr. Oryx said thats why I cant hug him!
Yes Vene...ven...venef...Sparkles! You're name is Sparkles is now!
[b]Uh...no...joe will be fine.[/b]
Sparkles! The Warlock that only loves!
[b]I'm not exactly sure whats going on right now...whats your skin condition?[/b]
Oh well Mr. Oryx told me that my skin leaks this weird black slime that he doesn't like getting on his Tomb Ships, Thats why I'm in the crypts or on an asteroid all the time.
He says I'm not allowed to hug him or his son because the smell won't come out of their armor!
[b]What sm-...DEAR GOD! WHAT IS THAT!?[/b]
We've never been able to figure it out, thats why I'm not allowed to go anywhere nice on the Dreadnaught. And thats why Oryx made my armor special! Because he said I'm the most specialist of all the knights!
[b]Christ! Its like an egg ate garlic and farted in a sulphur pit... I just...why! In my studio?![/b]
Yeah uh the smell won't come out, you may need to burn the chair Sparkles.
[b]Ugh...I can do this... Okay Ec'thar what do you mean special armor? You kinda just...die regularly.[/b]
Oh well you remember how Mr. Oryx said I was special? Its because I lose my sword and helmet a lot, also he has to pump out more hive because I would accidentally kill them. Thats why he superglued it to my head, Made extra eye holes so I could see right and made my Sword all shiny. But he also told me. "I'm done with the medical bills, You're sword is now just gonna be glitter colored foam." And look at how light it is, See I don't really like hurting people.
[b]Uh..I'm seeing a side to the hive that concerns me more on a worried factor then fear factor... But If you don't like hurting people, Why did you charge at me?[/b]
Oh I thought you were out to steal my muffin, I love muffins, They taste nice, They're soft, Like cotton. Did you know cotton makes good friends in the dark loneliness in the dreadnaught? But in my case it catches on fire really quickly...
[b]No... I don't play with cotton... And I didn't even see a muffin, so how could I steal it?[/b]
Oh well Mr. Oryx told me that "If a guardian comes close to you, They are after your muffins Ec'Thar"
[b]And you believed that...?[/b]
Yes, Just like everything in my field manual! It even has pictures and has cats on the cover. Did you know that snow melts? I feel bad for the snowmen that melt, They'll never go home to their wives...
[b]An illustrated field manual? Really? Should I even consider the hive a threat anymore?[/b]
Yes! Because we still have the queen! Its quite sad seeing her locked up all the time.
[b]Wait, whoa whoa Ec'thar...The queen? Where is she!?[/b]
Oh uh...she's somewhere, with rocks...and metal bars...someplace...on a planet.
[b]You don't remember do you....[/b]
I do! Just like my Abc's!
[b]Oh? Then recite them.[/b]
Yes sir! A,B,D,G,Z,N,E! The song is so fun, I just wish the wizards weren't always saying "You're 5,000 years old, how do you not even remember the letter C?"
[b]I'm...not too sure on how I feel about you...[/b]
I am an emotional outlet! I can even be your friend! Because I know you don't have many!
[b]What? No, Ec'thar I have a lot of friends actually....[/b]
Don't worry Sparkles! One day, you will be surrounded by people that love you! And right now?! With your current friends! Thats okay! Because friends are nice and want to be with you! Don't be sad!
[b]Am I getting a pep talk by a hive knight thats stinking up my studio?[/b]
I will always be your friend! Even if you're mean to me and try to kill me, Just stop trying to steal my muffins!
[b]I..I'm not stealing muffins...okay this has gone no where. Ec'thar? What one thing in destiny would you change to make it better?[/b]
Oh uh...one thing?! I don't know! I didn't know I was going to be tested, Can i go home and study? Will there be a make up test?
[b]No...uh..thanks Ec'thar.. You're good to go.[/b]
Go? Like bathroom go? You guys have the same customs we do!
[b]No no! Ec'thar I meant good to leav- ohhh ahhh c'mon! Its all over the carpet..Brent cut the tape! Cut the damn ta- ~End of transmission~[/b]
Well guys! There you have it, Ec'thar, the special knight in oryx's army... Anyone know a good janitor who won't ask a lot of questions?
Now onto the destiny news, The Dawning is here! hooray! Heres what you could get every week in the dawning.
1. 1 Dawning treasure a week on your account, because you know...3 per week would've been too much.
2. 1 Dawning treasure from Amanda, After yolo420swagblazeit rank 5 SRL...Because thats fun.
3. 1 Dawning treasure from The Amandas tag treasure...once...on your account.
4. Void and solar Rehash on the thunderlord, but hey they gave them cool names!
5. They made a year and a half wish about bringing Icebreaker to the meta again. Yay.
6. A guaranteed skeleton key...once...on your account...yeesh.
7. Armor from bounties from Zavala, Which is cool.
8. The 6% Chance to get any armor they showed in the trailers.
Moving on, lets go into what they actually added.
1. 3 Rehashed strikes, like Devils lair and Summoning pits, all they did was add a few things.
2. 3 Exotics, 2 Rehashed, 1 brought up to date.
3. 10 New ornaments, not bad, but don't waste money on the treasures... just wait for them to come to the new market.
4. Silver dust market, Feel dumb for spending 100 bucks on the Radiant treasures? Any ornament can be bought specifically through silver dust... C'mon, why not have that in the launch of the DLC?
5. SRL with no new gear, 2 new maps, aside from the ornament cosmetic changes...yay?
6. Daily gifts that live up to no expectations of the community, lets be real here...
7. A quest from Eva that mostly just leads up to constant back pedalling...
Well, They're taking baby steps..they didn't learn from the festival of the cost...sad really. We at Tower Today will continue to keep a close eye on the activity and look for further news to bring each friday, but this was a break down of the event. Also don't hate please... This is actually me describing the event as a consumer that is...kinda tired of the paywall...right Brent?
[b]Half my paycheck goes to Silver...so I don't care really.[/b]
Ugh, Okay moving onto the video. Also I'm not gonna go into what Xur has because lets be honest here, You probably already know
[b]Hello everyone, Brent Miks here with another video of the week, this video comes from Boogie2988 and is an actual announcement of him winning the Trending Gamer of The Year award, during the gaming awards, So watch if you'd like to see him humbly accept this astonishing achievement.[/b]
Thank you Brent.
Moving onto Warframe News, Tennobaum is here, yes another event, after the big update just recently. They are doing a charity event where, if you gift anyone, And I mean anyone, anything from the market, be it a catalyst, or even weapon slots... They take the plat spent and donate the dollar equivalent to the boys and girls club of London, Wonderful thing Really... And in addition to this constant charitable event, they are rewarding the entire community for the many gifting, right now, we have been given a sigil, 3 day resource booster AND an orokin reactor, so get festive, gift...hell, ship decorations, like a noggle statue...like Nezhas...to your host...maybe? Kidding, but still, help them out and get rewarded in the process!
In halo news! ... No news, not kidding, there is nothing since the Monitors bounty update...so...yeah.
Alright...that just about wraps up everything this week! Please be sure to comment. And guys? Stop. Okay? I know, I'm not max, Brent is fictional and I'm making these, just to simply pursue and bring news as well as good chuckles each week. I'm not sure when Max is coming back, and...quite frankly, I wish he would, we all miss him, even me. But guys, down voting, clicking the joke poll and reporting (Yes, I actually got reported 5 times with the cayde-6 interview) is completely childish. I am here to bring light on this community, And I won't lie, its a scary thing, making these. Because when you're done? You realize "Wow, they must've hated me..." And my question? Why? Please, Comment why... Thank you.
I love you all, Cya next week with your choice of interview!
[b]P.S. FF15 Was great guys.[/b]
Bump awareness. And seriously? No criticism... Just the clickbait. Jeez