originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]Coffee and assorted breakfast foodstuffs.[/b]
[i]Somewhere in Dojoville[/i]
Twas an average day down in ye olden part of Dojoville. People were bustling around as usual and Rock's cafe wasn't getting too many customers. Quincy was behind the register, yawning as he was busy tapping something on his datapad. He adjusted his rectangular glassed and looked around the coffee shop. There was a lady in the corner in a chair sipping some coffee as she read a small book. There was a man typing on a computer near the window. That was about it. "Slow morning" he thought, resuming his typing.
((open to chat, interaction, food))
[i]a very large woman follows lola around its very unusual sight cause the woman literally has a good three feet of height over her. When lola walks in her friend literally has to duck before walking in and when she does she cracks her head on a low hanging light to which the strawberry blonde haired woman rubs her head in annoyance. [/i] "You okay lizzie"says lola "Im fine its just a low ceiling"says lizzie
Quincy set down his pad and stood up straight, waiting for them to approach the counter. "How might i help you today?" he asks politely.
[i]Lola walks over to where he is standing and stops near the counter. Lizzie wasn't far behind but she kept having to dodge lights so she wouldn't crack her head on him.[/i] "Two hot chocolates please "says lola
He nods, quickly making two hot chocolates and setting them on the counter. "Since you're both new customers, these are on the house." he says with a smile.
Bramd - old
*There was also Cyan and Mortar, talking with each other. Cyan has a dark roast and Mortar a hot cocoa. They seem to be talking about last minute prep for something* -
Quincy couldn't help but eavesdrop.
[i]The slow day for Quincy may have gotten a little more exciting with the newest arrival to the cafe.[/i] [i]The door suddenly bursted open as a young child - a girl, probably about seven or eight. She was strikingly pale and surprisingly happy, as she was wearing a large blue coat, a pair of baggy black pants, and a pair of winter boots alongside pink threaded gloves, the outfit completed with a cute beanie upon her head. The girl's platinum blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, while her eyes were a beautiful light blue - she was almost identical to Irina... [/i] "Kitty!" [i]She ran towards Quincy excitedly, hopping up and down.[/i]
He giggled, pushing his glasses further up his nose, noticing her striking resemblance to Irina. He leaned over the counter, but not by much, so he could ask her what she wanted. "And how can I help you today?" he said in a relatively happy voice, perking his ears.
"Well, um..." [i]The little girl looked up at the menu that hung above, reading the words and mouthing them quietly - before she then responded to Quincy in her sweet, light and slightly Italian accent.[/i] "Ooh! Can I get a waffle and a glass of chocolate milk, please? I'm a big girl, so I can pay for it!" [i]She pulled a wallet from her coat's pocket, beginning to sort through cash and muttering. Seemed as if she knew what she was doing.[/i]
He smiled. "One waffle and one chocolate milk, coming up. And you don't need to pay for it since this is your first time here." He quickly got to making the order. Once he was finished, he set the plate with the waffle on it on the counter, as well as the cup. "Did you want butter and syrup on the waffle?"
Edited by Orn: 12/22/2016 4:18:37 AM"Yes please! And thank you. By the way, do you know my mom? She's tall! And she looks like me! Her name is my name, too! I'm Irina, although mommy says that my name is Arianna. It's funny." [i]Something seemed off, considering that A: The child looked exactly like a seven-year old Irina, and B: Her name was literally Irina.[/i] [i]Pocketing the wallet, she waited for Quincy to apply butter and syrup, a joyful grin upon her young face. For someone that seemed to have been the child version of Irina, she was extraordinarily happy. [/i]
He chuckled. "Yeah, I know your mom. Tell her I say 'hi'." He finished decking the waffle out with butter and syrup (in that order) and hands the plate to her.
"Thank you, sir!" [i]Arianna carried the plate tightly and sat down at an empty seat, beginning to eat. Judging by her facial expression - she absolutely loved it. [/i]
He smiled, happy he made her happy. He took a sip from a latte he made himself and started doodling on a piece of paper he had out.
bumpity bump bump
[i]The door chimed as someone entered the shop, a figure clad in a sleek exosuit. It was silver, the small visor on the helmet glowing blue. The figure stood shorter than the average man, and carried far fewer weapons than most, only a bo staff and a combat knife. A bandolier crossed his waist, and a tactical computer was situated in his left gauntlet. He approached the counter, thumbing through his wallet rather than looking at the person working the register.[/i]
Quincy adjusted his glasses and looked up at the armored individual, not recognizing him. "If this is your first time here, sir, you get your first item free." he said, letting him know of the current holiday event-thingy that the cafe was doing.
[i]Looking up, he was shocked to see that the cashier was not a human, but rather, a talking fox.[/i] "Are you like, an animatronic?" [i]The individual asked, voice heavily distorted through his helmet.[/i]
He seemed amused by the question. "No, i'm anthropomorphic." He opens his mouth. "See? Real."
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 12/18/2016 3:39:11 AM"So... you're a dude in a costume? Weird theme for a coffee shop..." [i]With the vocal distortion, it was unclear as to how sarcastic this individual was truly being.[/i]
He blinks. "Uhm..sir, im not in a costume. I am a living, breathing, thinking thing. Now, uhm...what would you like today? As i said earlier, if its your first time your first item is free."
"No way...." "So like, you're a talking fox? Like, Disney-style talking animal?" [i]He seemed to be trying to hold back a laugh.[/i] "Aight, I've seen everything now.. hehe" [i]His chuckle broke into a hearty laugh, and for some reason, he found this to be really amusing.[/i]
He shrugged. This happened often. He figured if he made someone laugh life wasn't too terrible. He stood behind the counter, ready to take his order.
"So wait, real talk, how do you work in a restaurant? Aren't foxes considered, like, pests? Doesn't that break the SafeServe regulations or something?" [i]The individual sounded like he was attempting to stop laughing.[/i]
"Well, im not fully an animal. And i control my shedding so that's not a problem. And i'm an arctic fox, if you must know, and no, i am not a pest." He answered in a calm tone, merely answering his question.