Today I want to talk about the picture above, some certain, quotes, and ultimately the reason why I think we should keep our eyes on the black garden. Let's get started.
As you all know, the black garden house a relic of darkness know as the Black heart. The average person would just kill the heart and think that the garden is now done for, but we're not the average player. If you look at the image above, you will not find the garden's heart at the center. The heart is that that big shadow off to the right. One must wonder, why is the heart not at the center?
Now, let's break out the cards.
Sol Progeny:[quote]We must assume the abomination was part of something greater[/quote][quote]Let us be wary. There may be other abominations, and other vessels.[/quote]Ruin Wings:[quote]In the Garden grows a tree of silver wings. The leaves are ruin, the bark disaster. Of the seeds we do not speak.[/quote]Legend: The Black Garden:[quote]But I looked behind me, down the long slope where the blossoms tumbled in the warm wind and the great trees wept sap like blood or wine, and I felt doubt.[/quote]With just this alone, It's safe to assume there's more.
Continuing on. Here's a picture of [url=]Pantheon.[/url]
So We know there's more in the garden. But how much more? Sadly, there's no way to confirm at this moment, BUT, we can do a simple "stand out" count. Assuming those two pillars of light and the mountain in the center house the "other artifacts", we can assume there's at least three more. They may be the "other abominations and vessels" Zavala was talking about.
What I find really interesting however, is the mountain in the middle. Most of the garden is really easy to see, But that mountain (if you look closely enough) somewhat looks like it's hollow. Here's an example of what I mean from [url=]The Last Gaurdian[/url]. There's a valley inside that mountain where there's loads of ancient structures and whatnot. (Those of you who've play The Last Guardian know what I'm talking about) I think the same type of thing may be in black garden.
On that note, I personally think that the tree of ruin is inside that mountain. Why? Considering that we can see roughly 87%-90% of the garden and not a single tree in sight (Or thing that resembles a tree) I'm left to assume it's hidden. The only places we can't see are inside and behind the mountain. But enough about locations shrouded in mystery, the burning question in the back of my head is WHAT OTHER RELICS ARE THERE!?
I could make a hundred guesses, but I'll leave that to you. Tell me what you think is in those shrouded locations. Be it a mind, machine, weapon, or defense. Let's hear it.
There's three shiny points in the garden and more things to be found there.
[quote]Back to master thread:
This is really interesting...maybe its worth investigating Pantheon and the Floating Gardens, plus all those missions to figure out how or if they fit geographically, get better images, etc. I have no doubt we've not heard the last of the Vex. They're just too invasive, relentless...