Strike scoring is really fun and i like it a lot. Here are some ideas to make it better.
* [b]Problem 1) Players not reviving eachother to conitnue their streaks. Its easier to do a streak if someone isn't stealing your kills.[/b]
==> [b]Solution : [/b]make assists count for streaks also so kill stealing isn't a problem.
* [b]Problem 2) Players staying in the starting area of strikes to farm bounties rather than progressing into the strike.[/b]
==> [b]Solution : [/b]make points stop counting after a minute or so unless players progress to the first darkness zone.
* [b]Problem 3) There are still lots of AFK players in strikes[/b]
==> [b]Solution :[/b] shorten the AFK timer in matchmade strikes (fireteams of 3 can do whatever they want)
What do you think?
Your last problem is a very real one yet a very hard one to fix. Let's say matchmaking was taking forever so I went to make a snack or use the bathroom, or your parents or loved one asks you to do something that ymtakes slightly longer than expected . Well, if the shorter time is imolemented,when you come back youll be met with a depressing black screen and have to restart matchmaking. Though there should be a certain time it shouldn't be a short one. I would say have a 5 or 7 minute timer and if the immobile person, person with a rubber band in their controller, or person not helping with the strike doesn't enter the darkness zone or start moving within that time they should be kicked. A replacement needs to quickly be found though