The Ace of Hearts is an exotic hand cannon, forged by the gunsmith as a gift to Cayde-6. Cayde lost the first one (it was an accident, he swears), and so the gunsmith made him a second one. Cayde suddenly remembered where the first one was.
The flavor text on it reads, [i]"Love is a weapon. Wield it well."[/i]
The Ace of Heart's exotic perk is called Blood of My Enemies. This perk activates upon each kill, causing the nearest damaged ally to immediately begin health and shield regeneration.
The Ace of Hearts is a hand cannon of the Eyasluna archetype, with lower base range, stability, and reload stats than the Luna. Additionally the aim assist value is much lower. The gun comes with quickdraw, rifled barrel, and high caliber rounds in the middle tree. The primary contains hidden hand. The intrinsic perk is called Bloodbound. Its effect is that whenever a nearby ally is revived or regenerates health, you gain a significant boost to recovery for a brief time.
The Ace of Hearts was gifted by Cayde-6 to the Bladedancer Vera-2 roughly a month before "The Guardian" arrives at the Tower. Rumor has it that if you do Cayde a large enough favor, he'll give you the second copy...
Cayde gave me something good. He calls it, "The Joker". Should be good. He told me not to tell.