I beg to differ, the use of words like "darling" and "dear" come off as really passive aggressive and condescending, darling.
Well darling I can't be blamed you perceive my writing as something it's not. More than likely you see it as condescending because you see yourself as below me so it's easy to read read things as condescending.
[quote]More than likely you see it as condescending because you see yourself as below me so it's easy to read read things as condescending. [/quote] Really now? I see myself as inferior to you, so that's why I think you're condescending. That's a load of crap, honey.
Well I don't write it as condescending so it's not my fault it's read that way dear
You've got to realize why it's seen that way, right?
I just assume people just think they are beneath me so take my writing as condescending because I have to talk down to them dear
So you know you talk down to people?
If you believe you are below me everything I say will sound like it's talking down to you dear
I don't think you're talking down to me because I see myself as below you, it's because you're talking down to me.
Well I'm not sweetie, so I'm sorry you misunderstand me.