[i]"It's that time again guardians"[/i]
[b][u]FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS![/u][/b]
Wanting to show off that brand new shiny trials armour off to your friends...Or do you just like to get things completed and reach that milestone? Then don't miss this!
Me and some of the top players have made it our Funtime to help get you that flawless!
Year 2 I placed [b][u]top 70th[/u][/b] for trials with over [b][u]2400 Elo!!![/u][/b] So you will be in great care!
[b]•My stats•[/b]
Feel free to join my stream will be doing free carries FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
[b]•Twitch• [/b]
Everyone is welcomed.
Please message •[b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b]• via Xbox one for further information or message me on twitch via the link given above.
This is going to be an awesome year for trials! Have fun and good luck!
Message me if you're 1700+ elo 2.0 KD Doing account recovery you can check my main darkenedfalls I'm at my friends house doing it Message Condurence
Need one for flawless run Positive kd Must have been flawless 390+ 1500 elo
Need 2 for card 1.4+ kd 1700+elo Msg im iaggy I don't receive invs so just msg
1.4 overall. 1.65 on anomaly and 1.75 on bannerfall 1775 elo. Looking for a solid team. GT: Ganjja the GOAT
2.95 Farming Need 1 Emperean
1.4 overall. 1.65 on anomaly and 1.75 on bannerfall 1775 elo. Looking for a solid team. GT: Ganjja the GOAT
Need 1.5+ kd for flawless Quick flawless Msg for invite
Doing free carries! Just come stop by the stream say what's up to the chat and make sure you gut that follow button and hangout because there will be another raffle very soon! https://www.twitch.tv/raynehaole
Free carry wanted
Need one for flawless run Positive kd Must have been flawless 390+ 1500 elo
doing a double carry. message gt above for invite. Anoxi coke 1.36 overall on my hunter 1760+ Elo will be streaming if you wanna drop a follow Http://twitch.tv/ocxke
Would like a Carrie if possible would really appreciate it
Need 2 for scarab and flawless Requirements 1.0 kd Mic Flawless or scarab emblem No carries Good at sniping or shotguns Call outs Must know the map Msg HockeyShotz25 with emblem light subclass thx I'm checking sweats
Never been flawless need a team to carry me plz
Need 1 For Trials, I'm A 1.2 And My Friends A 1.3 1.2+ Please Be Good Gt:Its Savors
Need two 1.3+ 1500 elo+ for quick flawless. Msg slay the masses
Need one to help with 3 wins for flawless, I'll keep playing to help you too have a good KD message deathstreak for inv
Edited by Magebanker: 12/31/2016 6:12:47 AM1700 elo LF A TEAM 1600+ GT : SIRIUS AIM CHECKIN STATS
1.3kd and 1650elo looking for a similar team. Shoot me an invite GT: JonnysRollin
Never been to the lighthouse? Need help getting end game gear from Trials of Osiris? Come visit my stream, earn in-stream currency, and watch or be part of all of the flawless runs. Swindlerrr is ranked top 1% in Trials of Osiris competitors. https://www.twitch.tv/thakid60
[quote]1.3 kd huner 385 light elo ??[/quote]
[quote]1.3 kd huner 385 light elo ??[/quote]
Need 2 that can carry me msg HockeyShotz25
Carrying 1. Must be a shotgunner. Gt "Brawlity"
Need two more for Flawless Run *Must have been Flawless 10+ in Y3 *Must have a 1600+ *Have a 1.10kd in Trials *Must meet all requirements or mo invite *Msg me for party and game invite at itzfancykilla
Need 1 flawless 1.25+kd and 1550+elo msg for inv