The Arbiter is hailed upon by a million snowballs. "Snow ball fight!"
[b]Cracks knuckles[/b] "You sure about that?"
You really wanna do this?
The Writer finally decides to man up. "You will die here, Zane." Giant titanium walls form around the two, trapping them.
"You just sealed yourself in here with me...." He slow claps, then dashes past him and places a thermal destroyer on him.
The walls shrink so that there is only a few feet between them and only room to stand. "And you are trapped in here with a bomb that is about to detonate."
"Funny thing though, my cape protects me from them." He turns around and covers himself with his cloak, and the bomb beeps rapidly before it explodes, engulfing arbiter in a fiery tornado.
[spoiler]much violence[/spoiler] [spoiler]such kill[/spoiler] [spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler]end[/spoiler] [spoiler]i must sleep[/spoiler] [spoiler]may continue tomorrow [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Mm, il be here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ok.[/spoiler] [b]Fortis throws a knife at your head.[/b]
The Writer catches the knife and crushes it. "You'll have to do better than that."
"I don't tend to be a knife thrower anyways." [b]Fortis launches hundreds of missiles at you from the launchers on his shoulders.[/b]
A massive steel wall forms, blocking the attack. "I am all of my characters, that were, are, and will be."
"Uh, I don't really know your characters very well, and I don't think that this is a very fair fight. How about one of your characters versus me?"
"All right." [b]The Writer transforms into Garin Fohrik.[/b]