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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Quincy_Frost: 12/29/2016 2:09:31 PM
[b]Pain and Joy.[/b] [i]Dojo main courtyard, just outside the gates.[/i] [u]Karishad and Mari[/u] Kari had carried Mari to the Dojo's main courtyard after getting her leg stitched up. He had hoped to find Artemis around, or someone he knew, or anyone. As of recently, he only had his sister. He didn't want to think about what happened to his grandmother and two other younger siblings, not yet anyway, his remaining sister was his first priority, his feelings and safety came after hers. He set her on a bench, making sure the blanket that was wrapped around her was secure. He sat next to her, rubbing her head, ruffling her short hair. She yawned, still tired. He sat against the back of the bench, rubbing his aching forehead. He hadn't slept in five days and he was paying for it. His muscles and bones ached, his throat burned from having strep throat, his eyes stung, and his heart was heavy. He tried his best not to sleep, because he knew if he did he would only remember what happened. He struggled to keep his eyes open but the adrenaline he was working off of began to run short as his eyelids became immensely heavy. He drifted into sleep, his body forcing him to rest. [i]Fire, there was fire. Burning so hot it singed my fur even when i was far from it. There were shouts, shooting. Keeri, Coleen, Mari, Gandma...Get them out. Everything will be fine if they're fine. Get up. Ignore your leg and get up. Look for them. Find them. More fire, more shouting. Through the cave, come on, get to them, make sure they're safe. No exit now, keep going, too much fire. I hear Keeri...Screaming, i hear screaming! Get to them, get there now! If they're screaming it means they're alive still! I hear Coleen screaming now. Get there Kari, get there now! Fire, shouting, explosion. Watch out for the rocks! Silence.... Get up. Get up get up get up. Get up now. Pain. My head hurts. Get up anyway, find them, get them out, keep them safe. Make Ma proud, protect your family. Through the cave, come on. Keep moving. I smell Mari. She's hiding somewhere. Behind the rocks, of course! Find Mari, keep Mari safe. Found her. She's scared. Her fur is burnt. She's ok. Pick her up. Comfort her. Find the rest, make sure they're safe. Make Pa proud. I remember where they were. Get there. Going there. Through the cave. Found the room, need to open the door. Set her down, break the door. Broke the door, find your fami- ... They're....they' Keep Mari out of here, she can't see this. Get Mari away from here. Protect Mari. Make them all proud...keep her safe...[/i] Kari woke, his eyes flying open as he immediately started crying, bawling into his hands. (open )

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