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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/28/2016 4:40:17 AM
[b]the nightmare and the hunter....[/b] [u]Time: night[/u] [i]everyone was sleeping it had been one hell of a week for lola as she in her bed on the floor as she tossed and turned. She wasn't only one her friend lizzie was sleeping facing the wall. As lola tried to sleep but her dreams were troubled.... ---------------------------- The dream... "Well well well look what we got here a dragon"??? "Oh she's a little troublemaker she took out half my squad just to catch her"??? The men were looking a lola who was chained up and gagged. She struggled against her bonds but they were to strong. But she wipe out a huge amount of them before managing to subdue her. These guys were no good dragon hunters. They had captured her but for what she committed no crimes her only crime was being a dragon... She had no idea what they wanted from her but she it wasn't good cause for she knew was that they would try either kill her or enslave her. But she couldn't get away but she would bide her time. "So what are we gonna do with her though she quite the rare specimen"??? When he leans in close she electricifies him when he tries to get close and he jumps back cursing. He shakes his arm a bit "You little bitch you pay for that":??? "Chill she can't really anything other than shock you":??? The pair then leave and don't come back for a bit. Lola wouldn't let them take her. But just as a hour past they came comeback with some very scary looking guy that just towered above her. He looked very mean and he was missing his right with a nasty scar above his right eye. He stared at her like she was something to by. "Is this her?"??? "Yeah but becareful she a handful"??? "Oh don't worry about that she do what i'll says or esle..."??? She hated him instantly something just told her he was bad news. The way he stared at her was like he was sizing her up. But with one swift motion he grabs her by her hair yanking her to her feet. her one instinct to shock but it did nothing and he laughed as yanked even harder than before ------------ The present day... Lola jolted awake sitting up covered in sweat. She knew was still late but she couldn't sleep anymore and got up. She walked out without waking lizzie up. She decided to walk a bit to clear her head that dream was actually all to real cause it did happen but she had no clue that they would actually come for her here. ------------------------------ "Well can't believe you actually tracked her down sir. "Says ??? "Hmph its not that hard you moron"says the man He spent a good a amount of tracking this dragon's movements. He had spent many years looking for her lucky for him as a elf he aged as slow as she did. But he had found her just had wait for her to be alone and vulnerable which actually that long of a wait cause he was looking through a pair binoculars when spotted her walking alone. This is way too easy he thought as loaded a tranquilizer into his gun as put down his binoculars and took the shot hitting her in the neck. What hell thought lola as feels something prick her neck and she grabs at it. She looks at it then faints falling to the ground. She was out before she could even call for help. He laughed as slung the gunstrap over his shoulder. "And she out lets move quickly now"he says But unlucky for them lizzie noticed she was gone and came looking for her. She came the nick of time to see her being carried off. She ran after them but she felt a prick in her neck and fell unconscious thudding to the ground. When lizzie awoke it was morning and lola was gone taken in the night. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler] [spoiler]looks like lola gotten herself in quite the mess.[/spoiler]

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  • "Sure." [b]The soldier grabs the chains and yanks them apart.[/b]

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  • "Thanks loads better but these no ordinary chains cause these are specifically for dragons so they can't transform so at some point im gonna have too cut this off later"says lola [i]she had no idea that it was lizzie who had asked for help or that she was very worried.[/i]

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  • "I can cut off the rest of it as well." [b]The soldier said. He grabbed a laser machete and carefully melted through the metal hooked on Laia.[/b]

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  • "Thank you and i see you followed the string"says lola [i]she was glad she was free those chains[/i]

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  • "Yes, that was very smart of you. Now we should probably get going." [b]He gestures to the truck.[/b]

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  • "Okay lets go then"says lola [i]she goes walks to the truck and climbs back up.[/i]

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  • [b]The truck drives to a while and then pulls to a stop in front of Lizzie. The soldiers all get out.[/b]

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  • [i]lola follows them out and see lizzie she then runs to her. Lizzie give a hug.[/i] "Thank you lizzie for sending help"says lola

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  • "I believe out job is done, unless there are more of those chaps out there."

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  • "No i dont think there are but thank you so much"says lola

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  • "Don't mention it." [b]The soldier says before hoping in the van and driving off.[/b] [spoiler]End?[/spoiler]

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  • [i]with both girls head inside to get changed cause they have been running around in their pjs.[/i] [spoiler]yeah[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Quincy_Frost: 12/28/2016 2:27:16 PM
    A snarling is heard as a white dragon covered in scales made of ice flies overhead, landing heavily in front of the men, his eyes glowing pure silver. He growls aggressively, a white mist seething off the ice covering him. (this doesnt have to be canon, but im bored and Q needs dinner)

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  • [i]the elf was carrying the very unconscious lola on his shoulder. Which he then pulls her off and stares at the dragon.[/i] "You think that -blam!-ing afraid of you overgrown lizard"says the elf [i]he then pull a knife and held it to lola's throat which bleeds a little bit etting the dragon know that he wasn't playing around[/i] "I will permanently scar this little bitch's pretty little face if you don't step a side dragon"says the elf [i]the elf clearly would anything to keep her.but the elf is a fool but he is now hold the knife to face waiting to see what dragon was gonna do.[/i]

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  • He chuckled, smiling evilly. Off in the distance, Daisy loads a clip into her MSR Quincy gave her. "Okie dokie, who's head shall I be taking off today..." she says, zooming in on the elf's head.

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  • [i]the elf had no idea that he was being targeted from behind. But his companion very nasty trick in the form of a smoke bomb that he threw suddenly at ground the instantly covered them in smoke and then they scrambled away with all haste.[/i]

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  • Daisy chuckled. "There's a thing called thermal scopes silly.." she said, switching to thermal optics. Meanwhile, Quincy quickly flashed into a nimbat and quickly followed them, not making a sound.

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  • [i]both the man and the elf were running for it. The elf had Lola draped over his shoulder and was running from the dragon. Not knowin that it change form they reached their horses that were stashed nearby they both got their horses. They were still trying to get away as there urged their horses to go faster as they galloped through the woods. [/i]

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  • Q seemed to defy all laws of physics as he kept up with them. He eventually passed them, holding out a stick in front of the elf's companion's face.

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  • [i]the man doesn't see it coming as his face smashes into the stick knock him off his horse sending him crashing to the ground. But the elf just keeps moving or stopping for his friend. The man has the wind knocked out of him when he gets knocked off. He starts to get up with a wheeze but he can't.[/i]

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  • Quincy flashes back to being normal Quincy, pulling out a cyan P99 hangun and aiming at his head. "Where is he taking her?"

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  • "If i knew why the -blam!- would i tell you!!"says the man [i]the way man was dressed pretty much summed up that he was just a thug following orders. He just knew the guy wanted her for some sort of collection.[/i] "What hell is that creature to you anyway??"snaps the man [i]the elf continues onward not stopping or slowing down as he gets even farther away from the dojo run deep into the woods. The elf didn't stop until it got very dark and his horse couldn't run anymore.[/i]

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  • He pressed the barrel of the gun to the back of his head. "You are going to tell me where he went.." he says with a snarl.

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  • "I'm not telling you shit so you better just -blam!-ing shoot me cause i aint talking"says the man [i]the man glares at him put he doesn't flinch one bit when he puts a gun to his head. The elf had chained up lola so when she awoke she couldn't even run away. This were no ordinary chains either these were specially designed so that she couldn't break free or transform. They had a special key that the elf kept on his person at all times. He was eating a apple when she finally woke up and she felt very groggy. Lola looked the dimly lit campfire and seen the elf eating a apple. Lola couldn't think straight cause she was had very throbbing headache that just made her very dizzy[/i] "Oh look who's up"says the elf "Where the hell am i"says lola "Oh don't you worry about that"he says

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  • Quincy snarls as he grabs the man's arm. The man feels an icy sensation on his skin, then it begins to spread to his shoulder and elbow, stopping at the joints. The feeling becomes painfully cold as it begins to burn, ice forming on his skin. "Tell me or I freeze your limbs off one my one..."

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