originally posted in:The New Dojo
Tesuto made his way to the open door, then jumped out after Quincy. They fell through the air, the wind bashing against their skin and oxygen escaped their lungs from the fall. It immediately became difficult to breath for the two jumpers as soon as Tesuto caught up. He motioned for them to open the parachute. He soon did it, and the parachute ejected from the samurais back pack and slowed him down in the air.
"Well. This is a large package." Quincy said.
"Good thing you have a digitally organic robot at your command...." Tesuto said. Picking up the crate. He looked to the nearby car rent and nodded his head to it. "Quincy. Go rent a car so we can get to the mountains faster. I'm...not the biggest fan of how heavy this box is."
"I don't exactly have money, and im not sure the dealer of the car place'll trade for rocks I find travelling..But hey, can't hurt to try." He goes over to the place to see what he's able to rent. Ember stayed by Tesuto.
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/4/2017 4:48:55 PMThe garage was small, and had a series of different honda's and Toyotas....pictures. There was a skinny man sleeping on the counter as Quincy entered.
He walked over to him, poking his shoulder. "Hello?"
The man snorted and woke up, wiping the drool off his mouth. "Duh hello! I em Sumbedeh. Welcum tooooooooo ma shop!"
"Hi Sumbedeh. I need to rent a car. All i have are these rocks though.." he says, taking out a small cluster of gold nuggets.
"Duh waow those r sum guld noogets. If you get car I get du guld noogets. Dealio?"
"Deal! But it better be a good car. Maybe a truck?"
"I get duh finest truck u will Ccccc can I have du guld noogets naow?"
"May I see the truck first? I'd like to know what Im buying, if it'd be no trouble."
"Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh okay." The skinny man walked from behind the counter and pointed to the only vehicle in the garage, which was a black '80 D150. It was old...but it seemed as if it was the only choice.
"Ill take it." He said, giving the guy the nuggets. "Where's they keys?"
"Duh in your pants." Quincy suddenly felt a weight added to his pocket..,.
"Huh." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys. "Cool."
As Quincy looked up, the man was gone....
He chuckled. "Well. That was interesting.." he said, going to the truck and unlocking it. He looked inside, surveying the condition of the seats and dashboard.
It was...ragged. The seats were creased and slightly torn, revealing the foam cushioning in a few places. The steering wheel was a rough and greasy leather and Quincy couldn't help but notice the mileage was 0. But the vehicle would definitely get the adventurers where they needed to go.....
He nodded, taking a liking to the truck. "Cooool. Anyhow.." he hopped in the drivers seat, giggling with excitement. He had only ever driven tanks and jumpships before. "Hm..." he thought. "I should probably get Tuesto." he said, getting out of the truck, closing the door, and locking it. He walked outside to where they were waiting, brandishing the keys.
"Ah! You got a vehicle! Very good." Tesuto complemented, picking up the crate in front of him. He walked to Quincy. "So, the vehicle is in the garage then?"
"Yes indeed. But I probably shouldn't drive." (is the garage open?)
(Yes it was the only way in. But Tesuto is some distance away) "Good. Let's go there then." The three arrived at the garage, where Tesuto loaded the crate into the bed of the truck and jumped into the drivers seat. His head squished against the roof of the car. After everyone was in, he drove out of the garage and onto the road. The village soon passed by, and the explorers were exposed to the flat lands of the tatakoi plains. "So," Tesuto began. "We are off to an interesting start, if I might say."
"Indeed." Quincy said while he cleaned his P99, righty. It was the blue one, since he had given the pink one to Mari should anything try to attack her. (which did happen. She wound up shooting Ian in his hand and side). Ember peeked up out the window, looking at the plains. "Reminds me of the fields just before you'd reach Abidias Forrest.." she said, the scenery reminding her of home.
"The abidas forest?" Tesuto asked. Unfamiliar with the location.
"Different dimension, different planet." Quincy piped, re-building his custom made gun.