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Edited by The Muzzy98: 9/5/2016 9:47:39 PM

Fireteam Ashen(4): To Slay an Archon

[spoiler]Looking for a different chapter? Here's the [url=]Master Post.[/url][/spoiler]"Okay Guardians, today your mission is going to be hunting down and killing a key target." Cayde's voice cracked to life over the comms, "As you may or may not know, the Fallen House Devils lost their Archon recently. We've been monitoring their activity and found some information that they're raising a new Archon to replace the dead one. It's name is Karrhis, Archon Rising, and he's been last spotted near the wall of Old Russia's Cosmodrome wall. Find him and take him out. Good luck Guardians. Cayde-out." The three dropped down from the ship and landed in a field of rusted cars. A blue sky extended overhead, touching the mountains in the distance. A small breeze rustled the cloth on their armor and the sound of howls could be faintly heard; the source was likely far away. Snow crunched under their boots as they approached massive wall; the only gap in it was a collapsed tunnel. The Russian word 'forward' was above the tunnel's entrance, beckoning a life of adventure and exploration. Avesk pointed to a door to the left of the tunnel. "Access door," he said, "This is how the workers got inside the wall for maintenance. It's the only way into the Cosmodrome until we link your Ghosts up with the transmat beacons inside." The farther they got into the wall the darker it became, until it was nearly pitch black. "It's pretty dark here. I'll make some light." Validus' Ghost said. A moment later it materialized from thin air and a beam of light emitted from its single eye. "You never told me you had a flashlight!" Validus exclaimed. Ghost gave the equivalent of a shrug, "All Ghosts can do this. It's nothing special." Eventually they came across a large open area. Bright lights illuminated the gap and giant metal pillars extended from the ground to the roof of the wall. They moved deeper into the wall without any resistance. "This is too weird." The Exo spoke up. "I agree," Avesk responded, "We should be cautious. We're almost to the location that Cayde marked." The group continued down into the wall avoiding the gaps in the catwalks that would send them to their doom. Eventually, the hallway they were following opened up into another room. It was a small room, with metal beams and pillars extending around the room, with a large broken pipe resting in the far concrete wall. Fallen scavenged in the piles of rubble in the corner. A smaller one with only two arms saw the three standing there and screeched a warning. In an instant, every Fallen in the room was on their feet and aiming their weapons at the trio of Guardians. "Okay, I see the Fallen, but where's the target?" The Exo asked. The voice of a Ghost spoke up. "It's in the walls!" A massive roar sounded throughout the room and a giant Fallen crawled out of the pipe and dropped down into the room. It was the Archon. It was twice as tall as any of the other Fallen in the room, signifying its importance. "Okay, here's the plan," Avesk said, "You two distract it and kill all of the additional Fallen, and I'll target the Archon. Ready? On my mark. Three, two, one, go!" Validus and the Exo ran to the left, taking shelter under a ledge. The Archon bellowed something in its alien language and began to fire upon the two Guardians. They ducked and weaved around the shots of its shrapnel launcher, eliminating the other Fallen in the room when they had a chance. Avesk pulled out a sniper rifle and crouched low to the ground. When he had a chance, he fired, the round traveling straight to the Archon's head. The Archon screamed and staggered back, clutching its head with two hands. Avesk fired again, driving the Archon back even further. Another sniper shot and the Archon was on its knees. It slowly stood up and glared at Avesk with a murderous gaze. A white gas leaked from multiple cracks in the Fallen's helmet. It began to run straight at Avesk, intending to end him. Avesk stepped back, his hand glowing with a golden light. He raised his hand above his head and with a snap, he was covered from head to toe in the golden light. He brought his hand down, now holding a pistol wreathed with golden fire. He pointed at the Archon rushing at him and fired. The massive Fallen took one, two, three shots straight in the chest and roared one last defiant scream as it fell the the ground, it's body crumbling to ash from the immense power of Avesk's Golden Gun. Avesk's glow faded and he dusted his hands. "Good job," He nodded to the two awestruck Guardians, "You did exactly as I told you and we pulled that off perfectly. Let's get back to the Tower and tell the Vanguard that our mission is complete." The three three Guardians disappeared, dissolving into light and data. Avesk's ship flew through the sky and a moment later, the three Guardians reformed inside. Avesk sat at the wheel and plotted a course for the City. [quote]Click [url=]here[/url] for the next chapter[/quote]

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