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Edited by Paradox1055: 12/31/2016 4:09:34 AM

The Guardian Thief Ch. 2: The Prison of Elders

Avilon stood, back against a wall with different heights marked. His head was flush with the five feet and seven inches mark. It was rare to see him without armor of any kind-- he was a standard white frame with gold details and yellow-orange eyes. "Who's this son of a b****?" Petra asked from the other side of the glass pane window. Avilon gave off a disgusted, mechanical growl to her. "Oh, shut up, you! You're not a Fallen, you insane fool!" Petra yelled as she pounded the glass. "Calls himself, Avilon. Exo from Earth. Wants to be an Eliksni," Captain Yuli replied as she turned to Petra. "Inventory?" "Armor is completely Fallen based-- he claims he made it himself. Weapons are as follows: two shock daggers, one shock blade, one shock pistol, one shock rifle, and one wire rifle. They're all confiscated in the armory." The door in the back of the room opened and Variks walked in. All of the guards turned and looked to him. "Scrap them. We could use the metal for weapons," Petra ordered. "Aka luvus..." Avilon said in Eliksni. Variks shifted and clenched his staff when he heard the exo. "What did he say?" Petra asked. "I do not dare repeat," Variks replied with a smirk. Petra turned to the door, but hit the glass one last time before leaving. Avilon jumped a little, but he remained where he stood. The guards led the exo down a long hallway with Fallen style prison cells. One guard, Nina, pressed a large red button that caused a door to open. The other guard, Killeon, undone Avilon's restraints then Nina shoved him into the cell. "If you want to be a Fallen, you can die like them. Guardians come here and slaughter the likes of ya quite regularly!" Nina declared as mockery. Avilon had a disgusted scowl on his face, and Fallen dregs and vandals growled at the comment. Avilon's eyes were glued to Nina as she slammed the door shut. The two yellow-orange eyes followed her as she and Killeon walked away. Avilon watched as the guard twirled keys on her finger. "Where can I recharge?" He asked finally, before they were out of earshot. "What?" Nina asked as she turned around. She stood in front of the prison door and crossed her arms. "My batteries will soon die. I need to recharge. Where's the charging station?" Avilon asked one more time. "Oh, that. Here, we don't give much of a d*** about your batteries, so you can go ahead and die like everyone else! Now, shut up and wait for your supper!" Nina hit the door with her baton and stared at Avilon through the window. He took about five steps back, then sat on the bed that jutted from the wall. There was something in Avilon's stare; his metal, artificial stare, that cut into Nina more than any blade that had touched her before. She stared at his glowing, dark eyes as if she couldn't break his hold. She jumped, blinked repeatedly, then walked away from the cell. "Go to sleep you worthless pile of scraps!" She ordered. Avilon huffed then laid down on the bed. Five hours later, Avilon was pacing around in his cell. Every once in a while, he looked out the glass window into the hallway-- every other light was off, giving just enough light to see where you were going. Avilon continued to walk around in circles. He listened to the pitiful cries of the prisoners stuck in the neighboring cells. The exo stopped-- he heard nothing, but, something was bothering him. Avilon looked around the room, no one was there. He looked out the door window again, and looked down the hallway. No one was coming. He looked the other direction... Standing directly in front of him was a figure with Void fire spewing from his helmet, and a hood with jagged teeth lining it. Avilon jumped and stepped back. "Who are you?!" He shouted. The character laughed eerily. "Most call me 'Aaahhh!', but, let's go with Harkon Avilleon..." the hunter placed his arm on the wall and supported himself up. "Your name, Bright Eyes?" Avilon pounded his fist against the wall. "You're Harkon?! You're the hunter that gutted my maker?!" "Is that gonna be a problem?... In my defense, I needed those bones..." Harkon pressed a button, opening the cell door, then stepped in. "Why in h*** would you need another human's bones?!" Avilon grabbed Harkon and threw him against a wall. He held the hunter there with three out of four of his arms, the fourth was drawn back ready to punch Harkon square in the face. Avilon paused and looked him over-- his chest was covered in plates from a Hive knight, he had cream colored ribs crossing his somach, arm and leg bones covered his gauntlets and shin guards, two tiny skulls acted as shoulder pauldrons-- he released Harkon and stepped back. "You... you... You're a monster..." Harkon simply shrugged his arms, "Do you want to hear my offer or not?..." he asked with another soul chilling laugh. [b]Translator[/b]:[spoiler][b]Special thanks to Sarsion for making a post on translating Eliksni into human! It was a big help in this story, and will continue to be so![/b] [quote]Aka luvus...[/quote]"You're a b****"[/spoiler]

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