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Edited by Via: 12/30/2016 3:34:43 PM

The Once Great Blade Dancer

I adore the bladedance subclass and by all means it's still very good considering they have one of the best passive abilities in the game (Quick Draw) and Skip Nades! But, the super is horrible now. Short stops are better but still occur and it's too easy to kill a blade or just simply run from it. Why is it that the subclass that is supposed to be built around speed can just be out run? Here's something else that I don't get: Hammer Titans can tank 2 blade swipes, but a blade can't take 1 hammer. Why is their ranged super better than my up close super? In my opinion one hit from Blade should kill you no matter what. Especially considering I have to actually get to you when you can kill me from range with Hammers. Recommendations: Increase speed while in blade. I'm infused with electric abilities I should be quick like lightning right? It should be really hard to outrun a blade. Increase damage from blade hits, keep the hit registration the same I guess to compensate, but if I hit you, you should die. If you don't increase the speed and damage then at least increase damage resistance so it's not so easy to kill. ***Update*** I appreciate all the support for some of these ideas and the discussion. I thought I would add a couple points: 1. I play all the classes and subclasses. I have opinions about balancing those classes as well, I just happened to post the bladedancer one first. So please don't assume I'm saying it's the only class that needs attention. My goal here was to start a conversation about this particular class in hopes that bungie will see that a lot of people have similar thoughts. 2. A couple people have made comments about knowing strengths/weaknesses and adapting. Please understand I have success on the bladedancer and even in the super, but it's extremely inconsistent. I'd even say you've got to get a little lucky when you pop your super too that your opponents are not able to easily run away. As a Warlock (supposed to be really slow, right?) I have been able to see a blade dancer pop super maybe 10 yards from me, me have enough time to recognize I don't have any shotgun ammo, turn and run away. I hate doing that! I know how that guy feels, he's helplessly chasing me, wasting his super and hoping I accidentally trip or something. And my point is, if that was a Hammer titan or Stormcaller, he'd have a much better chance to kill me. 3. Thanks again for the conversation and feedback! I read everyone's comments and hope we get enough up votes to get some attention from Bungie.

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  • Just no. The supers fine. More like petition to make other super classes die to one fusion grenade from a sunsinger just like a sunsinger dies from one archblade swipe, hammer, or golden gun.

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