Hey everyone, just a short little PSA thing, or whatever you want to call it.
If you like lore, you may want to spend a little time hanging around the bounty bot. He'll occasionally spout out a really cool snippet of interesting information. My friend and I stood near him for a good ten minutes, and here are the ones that stood out to us.
1) There's a Dust Giant Rail Launcher located on Olympus Mons, Mars. ([b]A giant freaking railgun!!![/b])
2) There's a House of Kings' listening post also on Olympus Mons, Mars.
3) House of Exile was spotted on Earth.
4) House of Exile was spotted in the Reef.
5) House of Devils was spotted on the Moon.
6) One of the Vanguard (probably Cayde) put out a bounty on Rasputin, but it was taken down because nobody was willing to do it.
7) There are mentions of a Manhattan Nuclear Zone and a New York Crater.
Additionally, listening to all the other vendors and the intercom will all yield their own unique lore bits. It really helps to flesh the world out a bit.
Anyways, this was just a short little post to bring this to attention. If you leaned something, good! If you already knew all of these, props to you. Have a fantastic day, Guardian. Muzzy, out.
I heard something about a New York crater. I wonder what happened there.