[b]Additional Pouches[/b]
[i]"Look, this may seem like a stupid idea at first..." -Page 34, Pahanin Errata[/i]
Heavy Weapon slot is deactivated while equipped. Primary and Special ammunition reserves boosted (35% and 20% respectively). +1 Agility as well.
[b]Traveler's Shard[/b]
[i]"Show our enemies why we fight," -The Speaker[/i]
Supers do additional damage to armies of the Darkness. Generate more orbs of Light during Super kills.
[b]Bray's Technique - Hunter Exclusive[/b]
[i]"The flames danced at the demise of her foes."[/i]
Sunspots appear where enemies have been felled by Golden Gun.
Hidden Effect - Sunspot damage increase with Major kills, and Guardians with Supers active.
[b]Circlet Of Night - Warlock Exclusive[/b]
[i]"The first time I used this technique on Shaxx, he actually cheered as I finished him," - Ikora Rey[/i]
Three Axiom Bolts track enemies after Nova Bomb activation. While in Crucible, they have a decrease in damage (50%), but blind enemies on impact for three seconds.
Hidden effect - Axiom Bolts deal 150% more damage to minions of the Darkness, and decreases Guardian movement by 20%.
[b]Veteran's Teachings - Titan Exclusive [/b]
[i]The training course for this technique takes place on Mars for two months, and one term of Zavala's knitting course is free for graduates.[/i]
Shoulder Charge replaces melee node, and gains an additional charge. It takes 30% less time to activate while sprinting.
Hidden Effect - An Arc shockwave activates around the user for 5 seconds upon killing a Major, or a Guardian with an active Super.
[b]Shadowjack's Blade - Hunter Exclusive[/b]
[i]An advanced Hunter tactic. Recommended for trained professionals only. [/i]
Jump ability is replaced with Triple Jump, and an ability similar to Iconic Blink, replaces the Super modifier.
Hidden Effect - Invisibility is active for 7 seconds after killing a Major, or a Guardian with a Super ability active.
[b]Mobile Defense Module - Titan Exclusive[/b]
[i]This can be used for a "tactical withdrawal" quite effectively. [/i]
Ward of Dawn encases the user in a smaller, slightly weaker version. The Ward stays around the Titan through movements.
Hidden Effect - Majors are knocked back with enough force to be fatal. Same with Guardians in general.
[b]Droplet of Sun - Warlock Exclusive[/b]
[i]This strange vial hold something very precious.[/i]
A stronger, longer lasting Song of Flame is activated upon Radiance. Effects allies in a larger radius.
Hidden Effect - Major kills and Guardian with active Super kills grant additional time to Song of Flame (10 seconds).
[i]"What? Where did this come from?"[/i]
An un-infusible "artifact". While it may have some nutritious value, it looks like it's going bad...
[spoiler]Hidden Perk - Starch Poisoning[/spoiler]
[b]First Place Medal[/b]
[i]"No man, I swear! Every single racer hit it except me"[/i]
This will look nice next to that Hive's head.
Be able to have options for hip fire reticle in settings.
Lower Weapon emote.
Shader creator (would be willing to go through Eververse for this...).
Weapon Foundry quest lines/Faction representatives.
Quests for more Exotic weapons in general.
That Titan armor from 2013 E3 Gameplay reveal.
Variks Ghost shell.
Varik's staff as a heavy weapon.
Will edit with more ideas/critiques.
Edited by Barrierr-: 1/2/2017 12:44:09 AMI love all of these but I think some of them do a little too much lol I never really thought about what other abilities Artifacts could bring to the game What about legendary/exotic gun artifacts? Father of Ash [i]The world may rage and quake but I shall remain singing[/i] Sleeper Simulant charge rate is increased by 30% & +2 ammo