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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/4/2017 3:13:47 AM
[b]At the gates[/b] [spoiler]Look at just the picture, not the words that happen to be on the web page.[/spoiler] [b]Fortis and his large group of soldiers and assorted Dojo members had reached Alpha-Tui. Over the hill rose a large gate, and beyond an even larger citadel.[/b] "This is supposedly the place where we will find the one who will forge the relic. Be careful though, there may be a few around here that will not like our presence." [spoiler]Open. If you want to join in on the plot and have not yet done so, do it now or be forever left out.[/spoiler]

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  • "There are a few assault teams going on board the ships. They are going to breach the ship in someway and then blow up the reactor, effectively disabling the ship." [b]The enemy fighters seem to be concentrating their fire on the ground vehicles, rather than Fortis's fighters or cruisers, meaning that there are a lot more aiming towards the bike.[/b]

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  • "Ah alright." She continues fireing and Springs out a vine acting as a third arm to weild one of her large single shot pistols fireing out what looked to be the size of a railroad spike at a target. "They do enjoy targeting the ground..."

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  • "They can't really hurt our fighters, so they are targeting us." [b]Three fighters suddenly target the bike and launch a flurry of missiles at it.[/b]

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  • "Well at least they aren't too hard to predict." Nanoed particles start froming a wall in front of the missiles as a means to block them off. Ama then tosses out a few seeds growing into heavy vines form a spider like web.

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  • [b]The explosion of the missiles throw the bike to the side, flipping it over.[/b] "Dang it! We need to find a new vehicle, this one is bus-" [b]The soldier doesn't get to finish, as a huge volt of energy passed through his torso.[/b]

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  • Ama gets out from the damaged gunner chair slightly banged up from the impact yet otherwise alright. After recuperating she tries latching onto a fighter with a vine in an attempt to commandeer one for herself.

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  • [b]The vine raps around an enemy fighter, stopping it in mid air.[/b]

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  • She then goes to pry open the cockpit and draws her high calibur single shot pistol to fire at the pilot. After she attempts to make a wireless connection between her laptop and the vehicle to reformat the controls.

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  • [b]The programming system of the ship follows no known programming language, and trying to alter it is tedious.[/b]

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  • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 1/11/2017 2:41:50 AM
    Running out of patience she aims it with a vine and maxes out what she presumes is the thruster, aiming it towards an access point on the enemy cruiser. Ready to dismount when she gets close enough..

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  • [spoiler]So, she is kamikaze-ing it?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Preeeetty much. Think GTA when you take a car and bail while it's still driving into something lol.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]The craft is about a hundred meters from the cruiser. Next to you, the main ship explodes and comes crashing to the ground.[/b]

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  • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 1/12/2017 2:45:01 AM

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  • [spoiler]It was the main enemy ship, not Fortis's[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh my bad[/spoiler] "Huh" Ama looks at it a bit surprised before jumping into the pilot seat and seeing if mimicking the motorcycle pilot functions on the fighter she got into. She opens coms on her laptop to check in. "Just a heads up don't shoot the one with vines all over it. Anyways, are we all clear for now? Ended up losing the bike in the firefight"

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  • "Got it. You are cleared for landing, Fortis wants to talk with you though. Meet him on his flagship." [b]The comm operator says before hanging up. Another enemy cruiser explodes, lighting up the already bright sky.[/b]

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  • After a relatively rough landing from her inexperience with the ship she manages to get aboard folding her laptop and strapping it to her back again. Afterwards she makes her way through the ship curious what Fortis had in mind.

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  • [b]Fortis turns a corner and sees her.[/b] "Excellent work. I heard you wanted to look at some technology Native to this planet. There is a bazaar in the city if you want to buy some."

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  • "Thanks and sure. I'll deffinitely have to pick up a few things. Over a thousand RPMs and the gun doesn't liquefy... Probably will buy one just to crack it open." It's clear she didn't have any way of hiding how her mind was running a mile a minute thinking over that applications she could come up with.

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  • [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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  • Quincy shook his head, a little thrown off from the teleport. "Gyaahg, headache... Are we on another planet or in a different dimension entirely?" he asked, still in his relatively small dragon form.

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  • "Just another planet. If we went into a different dissension, then the laws of physics wouldn't be working."

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  • "Strange. I come from a different dimension and the laws are the same."

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  • "Really? Perhaps it was just that one dimension that I went in was different. Anyway, we should get going. Ever second we waste is another second the dojo is under attack. THROUGH THE GATES!" [b]Fortis says. All of a sudden, all of the vehicles start moving towards the gate at a rapid pace.[/b] "I suggest you hop on one, unless you can travel at two hundred and fifty miles per hour."

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