originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u][b]I'm Vorim'Tairn... I-I am a catwolf...[/b][/u]
*He says, making eye contact for only a second and then looking away.*
[u][b]W-Why are you h-here?[/b][/u]
"I'm looking for mu friend, her name's Falei, she wears big blue armor and has blue glowy eyes. Have you seen her?"
[u][b]No, I-I haven't, but I'm s-sure she's here somewhere. Please, c-come in.[/b][/u] *Vorim says, opening the gates for him. It's now easy to see that he is about five feet, three inches tall and is wearing a blue t-shirt with tan shorts. His long, fluffy tail covered in light grey fur with more darker grey spots swishes side to side curiously.*
"Thanks. So you really haven't seen her at all?" He asks with a worried expression.
[u][b]N-No, but that doesn't m-mean she isn't here somewhere...[/b][/u] *He says, looking down at the ground with his arms crossed.*
He stopped for a moment, a sort of worried expression on his face. "Hey man, are you alright? You don't look, or sound too great..."