If there's one of these threads out there already, sorry. I know it's the 3rd, but I'm just getting around to seriously consider mine.
1) [b]Stop driving distracted![/b] It is way too easy to glance over at my phone in the car and I'm guilty of doing it too much. I have a little shelf/drawer thingy in the dash of my car and my plan is to make a habit of sticking my phone in there when I get into the car. I'm going to have my son hold me accountable.
2) [b]Get outside/go on more adventures with my boys.[/b] I want to do more hiking, exploring, playing outside this year. My sons are 6 and 2. The toddler is still little, but there's a bunch of stuff we can do. I don't have an exact plan to accomplish this yet, but some sort of designated "Family Adventure Day" on the regular.
3) AKA the one that probably won't happen... [b]Get more organized at work and home.[/b] I have always been a chaotic soul, but I want to be more productive and organization would help. I have no plans for this. Organization tips welcome.
What resolutions have you made this year?
To support president in his battle against the freedom hating liberals