The Bing Bang (simply put: expansion of matter from a singular densely pact point) - Boot up of the simulation
Laws of Physics - Parameters of the simulation (rules and restictions set on the simulation) and adhere to the rigid mathematical codes that make up the simulation
Matter, photons, and waves - Merely varying long complex series of code (1's and 0's) that interact with each other
Speed of light (theoretically the highest speed achievable) - Due to the processing limitations of the harware that runs the simulations
Our existence - Some form of test, or observational study, and or a result of the parameters set on the simulation
The chances of us not living in a simulation are unfathomably small (1 in billions if not potentially even smaller) as simulated universes would be vastly more common than non-simulated universes due to the ease of creating a simulated universe in comparison to a non-simulated universe. Think of VR for example. As VR continues progresses, it will reach a point where it can't be discerned from real life, effectively creating a simulation that the inhabitant(s) of would think of as real life. Simulations that mirror reality could effectively be created in great numbers on computers, and the possibilities of creating conciousness in them would be theorotically possible as the specifically arranged particles that allow for our consciousness follow the laws of physics, mathematical patterns. So who's to say we aren't simulated?
Wouldn't that mean that it is likely that we don't just live inside of one simulation, but in a inception like singularity of simulations.