"Cool, cool. Mission is simple. Snatch and grab."
What am I grabbing?
"We're grabbing a person."
"Is that a problem?"
Nah I just didn't expect it. Who is it and why?
"His name, apparently is Andrew Washington. And he is apparently a descendent of George Washington"
Huh... why do you want him?
"We don't, we're getting hired to get him."
By who?
But like... George Washington is cool... ah screw it, fine i'll help. Where is he?
"Off world, out in The Sea of Storms."
That sounds friendly.
"It is. I can justify that."
Ugh where at in this sea?
"In space."
"Which is why we're taking a space ship."
Alright. Let's go.
"Come on." [b]Allister entered the ship [/b]
[b]Tubbs followed him[/b]
[b]As Tubbs entered the ship, it groaned to life and launched off into space We seemed to be in a cargo bay [/b]
[b]not expecting it to do that so soon, he falls on his back and then slides back against the wall[/b] Ah.... [b]he gets up, struggling[/b] Where's the seatbelt?
[b]Allister seemed to be fine, probably his boots which seemed to be sticking to the ground. [/B] "Yeah." [b]He pointed at a wall which had a fold out chair[spoiler][/spoiler][/b]