Mainstream scinece claims that the Northern Lights are caused by particles emitted from the sun, that collide with the ball earth's magnetic field. Where is the proof of this?
While I am not offering a concrete counter argument for how this phenomenon actually happens on the the Flat Earth, I am using this as an example to shiw the hypocrisy of mainstream science. The establishment scoffs at Flat Earth explanations of gravitation, saying there is no "proof" for mechanisms such as Universal Acceleration. But Science turns around the next second and says with shameless abandon that the visible phenomenon of the auroras are caused by "particles", "emmited" from the sun that "colide" with the magnetic field. But what what are these particles? How does the sun emit them? Why does colliding with the magnetic field produce color? While I am sure there are countless papers on the subject, which prove (and deriving their own legitimacy from) the older papers on the subject, the fact remains: science is based on speculation. Not facts. While Planar Theory speculates, it does not accept anything as incontrovertible accept that which can be immediately and directly observed by more than several witnesses. It's speculations are based on those facts. It deals only with empirical observation and rational infernece strony based on those observations. I just wish science would be honest with itself and admit that it is just as speculative in nature as Flat Earth Theory.
Bump if you think science needs to ask itself some tough questions!
Science doesn't close out new ideas, people do. I like to think about the fact that everything we've "proved" has only been proven by us (☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞