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originally posted in: What does your Faction mean to you?
1/11/2017 11:51:34 AM
Run, that's the answer? How long before the Darkness finds us again? If we run, we won't have the Travelers light to assist us. Maybe the Hive and Taken would leave us alone, but the Cabal and Fallen would not. What else is out there that we would not be able to face without the Travelers light? Running is the only idea that doesn't work at all. I don't really get New Monarchy. What is there plan, pretend like the war isn't happening? Just make the wall impenetrable, and stay behind it! Yeah, that should work great. The only one that makes sense is Future War Cult. Take the fight to the enemy. Make them bleed until they leave us alone, and then a little more. This is war, and you don't fight a war by running or building a wall (well, that did work once, but it won't work against this many enemies with technology like this.) Basically, the tactic of running has never worked in a war. Building a wall worked once, but it failed when the nation expanded beyond the borders of the wall. Fighting is risky, but it's the only method that history has shown to be effective.

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