originally posted in:The New Dojo
"A Platoon of guards went missing. I'm going to find them."
"I think I know someone who can help you with that."
"My boss isn't really one for names. Or any detail other than that strictly necessary. It's not not exactly helpfu-" "[i][u]yes?[/u][/i]" (As soon as he heard the voice, the man froze. Then you notice that, just behind him, a humanoid figure with glowing magenta eyes was standing behind him. The voice was strange, like a thousand overlapping whispers. He walked to the man's side. "My apologies. I cannot give you a name. I understand this is most..." (He looked at the man, who was deathly silent.) "[i]unhelpful.[/i]"
"Oh, it's Steve." [b]Watcher looked at the Magenta guy[/b] "You met my boss, Steve. Guy named Royal? The sensei. Yeah."
"I have. And every time to call me that, the likelyhood of me helping you slowly drops. "
"Hey. Steve I didn't ask. I can take care of this."
"Can you really?"
"If not, I give one more reason we should investigate. I'm prepared to sacrifice my life."
"So you value the job getting done slowly, by your lot, with possible casualties, more than it being done with our help, quickly and efficiently?"
"You can come if you want. But I don't care." [b]The gates creaked open, and Watcher started to leave [/b]
"I will intervine when necessary "
"Yeah alright." [b]He left the dojo and took a right into the woods. Soon after, a ship launched off from the forest and head East [/b]
(Cloaked, and invisible to anyone not directly looking at it, another ship https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=planetside+2+scythe&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiegcDxjrvRAhXQN1AKHcKxB4gQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=JdQW876Un2wT3M%3A Took off and started following it.) [spoiler]end?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nah, everything is happening in this one post. [/spoiler] [b]Watcher and the cloaked ship arrived at the island within a few minutes, which was somewhat large. A forest covered most od the island, and it seemed to have many cases underneath it Watcher landed on island's shore and sprinted into the forest [/b]
(The cloaked ship tracked through the woods with infer - red imaging)
[b]Watcher could be vaguely seen kneeling, by a very faint light. Possibly one of the guards... [/b]
(The figure teleported silently into the jungle in its form, so dispersed it was indistinguishable from the normal air, controlling the ship remotely.)
[b]Watcher could be seen, indeed kneeling down by a fallen Dojo Guard. Most likely Dead."[/b]
(The figure checked for any other dead dojo guards)
[b]There was just the one on the ground, but a strange sense of decay was coming from a nearby cave [/b]
(The figure waited for the watcher to do anything)
[b]After a few moments, Watcher stood. Walking into the cave. He had given the man a silent prayer [/b]
(The figure followed him, utterly silently, into the cave)
[b]There was a second body on the ground, and as the two went deeper they arrived at the end of the cave, where three more guards were propped up against the wall. All dead [/b] "Shit." [b]that was five, out of the 43[/b]
(He carried on following watcher)