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look, if you make a mistake on the internet, wait a week for it to go away, bringing it back up is just going to make it worse
Thirsty for more attention? IF this is sincere, props to you, but it shouldn't be hard talking to strangers on the Internet.
Oh well
ok, good for you
Don't sweat it, 85% of this community still has debt and a mortgage, You are perfectly fine 👌
On a forum full of kids, it's really not that big of a deal. I had some dude the other day trying to claim he beat me in Trials while he was doing a carry and I was on a stacked team full of 2.0+ K/D's. All these people liked his comment, none of which bothered to verify his claim....except for myself. I found the game. My teammates were a 0.7 and 1.2, while his team had 2.4, 1.9, and 1.4. His "carry" who was a 1.4 was better than both of my teammates....yet this dude straight up lied and said he wrecked me while I was super stacked. I'm sure he just wanted attention... Point is, tons of people make crap up on these forums. So you did it. You're not alone. Cool that you admitted it as most people just hide once they're called out on their lies.
Aldi final boss - old
Well, I guess I can forgive you. -
Don't worry about it dude. You made a mistake and now you learn from it. That's life right there!
The "owner" of the forum apparently does it all the damn time... [spoiler]...which doesn't make it acceptable lying is still bad so good that you don't want to do it anymore. [/spoiler]
It's the Internet.
Good job apologizing. Though I don't know that you needed to do it to to strangers over the internet. It's good to see someone who is man enough to correct themselves. Lying is never good. But it's an Internet forum lol so it's not like people can really tell :/
Edited by Lxj: 1/13/2017 6:38:56 PM(ಥ﹏ಥ) I'm done now.
I carried you to the lighthouse for the first time you promised me the union of light emblem and then on that moment you was going to give it to me you left and kickt me out of youre friendlist people like you can just fck yourself stop crying boy
Im at a MLK assembly and I love it. [spoiler]I lied[/spoiler]
Im at a MLK assembly and I love it. [spoiler]I lied[/spoiler]
I'm Sorry......I farted
You will learn with experience that nobody has a good enough memory to be a good liar.
Don't care.
You don't owe anyone anything. Over half the stuff on the internet is a lie... And the other half is pernography.
This is what we've come to. Making public apologies about a simple exaduration lie in a video game. Dude millions of guys make up these bullshit stories on a daily basis to impress women. Do you think they apologize? Do you really think people were upset? Go lie to girls. Trust me for some reason honesty is boring to them. Just don't cheat. That's not fun.
I read your post yesterday. Oh wait no I didn't I lied too
- SMH.
If you expected to make an apology online and get nothing but acceptance and walk away, then it doesn't sound like you've learned from making posts for attention. Sorry for the sad reality but half the online population are not nice whatsoever.
Potato confirmed